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Neuro Surgery

Aster RV Hospital, JP Nagar Bangalore ranks among the best hospitals for neurosurgery in India. The department has an experienced, well renowned, astute neurosurgical team well known for its high-quality neurosurgical care. The frontiers of neurosurgery are here with our surgeons using the latest cutting edge technology and state-of-the-art facilities to deliver unsurpassable, safe treatment to our patients. All brain, spine, and peripheral nerve simple or complex surgeries are performed with immaculate dexterity.

The latest innovation incorporated in the department is the intraoperative MRI suite. At present ours is the only hospital in the private sector in entire South India to possess this facility. It enhances the safety, precision, and extent of resection of complex brain tumors and instills confidence in the operating surgeons to push the limits of surgery.

In addition, capabilities to perform minimally invasive brain and spine surgery, computer-assisted brain and spine surgery, stereotactic biopsy, awake brain surgery, comprehensive intraoperative neuromonitoring and ultrasound, and deep brain stimulation are also present. These ensure complex pathologies being handled in the safest and most effective manner as possible thereby reducing the morbidity and mortality to a great extent. The Neurosurgery Department is a part of an integrated, multidisciplinary team committed to providing the seamless best care to our patients. Ably collaborating and working in tandem with them are qualified and experienced neuro-anaesthetists, neuro-intensivists, neuro-radiologists, and neurologists.

The department takes care of the patients with compassion and empathy true to the tag line “We Will Treat You Well”.

Aster RV Hospital, JP Nagar is the only hospital in the private sector to have an intraoperative MRI facility in the state of Karnataka. Intraoperative MRI helps in the safe resection of brain tumours. In addition, there are facilities such as intraoperative neuromonitoring systems, neuronavigation systems, and other technology that enable neurosurgeons to perform extremely safe surgery to patients, reducing the morbidity and mortality to a great extent.

The department has expertise in treating all types of neurosurgical brain, spinal, and peripheral nerve disorders inclusive off though not exclusive:

Advanced Technology & Facilities

Well equipped with the latest medical equipment, modern technology & infrastructure, Aster Hospital is one of the best hospitals in India.

Epilepsy Diagnostic Studies
Routine 32 channel digital video EEG Round-the-clock, long-term 128 channel video EEG monitoring Functional MRI and WADA study to assess eloquent cortex regions. 3T MRI and an exclusive intraoperative MRI PET (positron emission tomography) SPECT (single-photon emission computerized tomography) ECOG (ElectroCorticography) Cortical Mapping SSEP (Somatosensory Evoked Potential) MEP (Motor Evoked Potential) Different surgeries available: Respective Surgery Lesionectomy Amygdalohippocampectomy Corticectomy Lobectomy (e.g. temporal lobectomy) Multilobar resection Disconnective/Palliative Surgery: Hemispherectomy Corpus Callosotomy Multiple Subpial Transections Conditions treated: Mesial temporal sclerosis Focal cortical dysplasia Lesions like ganglioglioma, DNET Hemimegalencephaly Rasmussen’s Encephalitis

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