At Aster, we believe that during this time, a woman deserves more than just basic antenatal care. That’s why we’ve specially designed a special maternity package based on your different requirements at the time. We provide informative sessions with the Physiotherapist, Dietician, and Lactation Consultant. During the discussions, we provide you with a healthy diet plan and birth plan to keep a tab on your weight, pressure and the size of the growing tummy to predict the growth and development of your baby.
We also offer Lamaze with which an expectant mother is prepared for childbirth by education, psychological and physical conditioning, and breathing exercises. This helps pregnant women understand how to cope with pain in ways that both facilitate labour and promote comfort, including relaxation techniques, movement. Aster Antenatal Package includes:
- Physiotherapy Consultation
- Flexibility Session
- Strengthening Session
- Lamaze Session
- Lactation Consultation
- Nutrition Assessment
- Nutrition Counselling