Aster Prime Hospital does not offer any sort of employment in exchange for payment of money for any purpose whatsoever. If you receive any similar kind of offer from anyone representing Aster Prime Hospital, please send an email with the intimation and related documents to [email protected].
Neuro Surgery

At Aster MIMS Kottakkal, we understand the profound impact neurological conditions can have on your life. We offer comprehensive neurosurgical care, addressing various brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nervous system disorders.

Our team is the cornerstone of our success. We have assembled a group of highly experienced neurosurgeons who work closely with specialist nurses, rehabilitation therapists, and radiology technicians. This collaborative approach ensures patients receive a personalised treatment plan tailored to their needs.

Our commitment to excellence extends beyond our team. We are equipped with the latest technology, including neuro-microscopes, C-arm systems, and a dedicated neuro ICU. This allows for precise diagnosis and effective management of even the most complex neurological conditions.

Services & Facilities

  • Dedicated Neuro Surgery ICU

  • 24 X 7 Neurological and Neuro Surgery care

  • Elective & Traumatic Neuro Surgery and Spinal Surgery

  • Brain & Spinal Tumour

  • Aneurysm & Vascular Malformation

  • Neuro Endoscopy

  • Stereotactic Neuro Surgery

  • Surgical Operating Microscope

Our Doctors

We have some of the best specialists from around the world, they bring years of experience and offer evidence-based treatment to ensure the best care for you.

Patient Stories

Our patients are our best advocates, hear the inspiring stories of their treatment journey


The source of trustworthy health and medical information. Through this section, we provide research-based health information, and all that is happening in Aster Hospital.


One Aster

Personalized Medical Assistant for all your healthcare needs.
Book instant appointment, pay securely, eConsult with our doctors and save all your health records at one place are some of the benefits of OneAster App. It is everything you need, to manage your family Health.


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