This is the age when you’re pushing yourself to the limits – at work especially. The stresses on the body and mind are tremendous. To keep your potential at its highest, these checks are necessary
Tests included :
- Blood Group & Rh Factor
- Complete Blood Count With ESR
- Creatinine - Serum
- Glucose - Fasting
- Glucose - Post Prandial, 2 Hours
- Lipid Profile
- Liver Function Test
- TFT (Thyroid Function Test)
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin D
- Urine Examination, Routine
- USG - Abdomen & Pelvis
- X-ray Chest (PA or AP)
- Consultation - Ophthalmology
- Consultation - Physician
- Consultation - Dental
- Consultation – Dietitian
- Pulmonary Function Test