The Department of Pulmonology at Aster Whitefield is a state-of-the-art facility delivering advanced diagnostic and therapeutic solutions to a spate of respiratory and chest diseases. The team is led by Dr.Srivatsa Lokeshwaran,a highly acclaimed physician in this field for more than a decade. The department is built on the principles of recent evidence-based practices with the best of diagnostics and therapeutics all delivered in a holistic way and striving for excellence. The services provided spans airway diseases, interventional pulmonology, pulmonary fibrosis, sleep medicine and lung transplantation to name a few. We are geared with the most sophisticated technologies to deliver better and quick diagnostics from diseases ranging from early diagnosis of lung cancer to delivering a new life to patients with chronic lung disease in respiratory failure with lung transplantation.
Our approach is to offer personalized medicine for a wide range of respiratory illnesses focusing on speedy recovery. We have focused clinics dedicated to pulmonary fibrosis, early lung cancer diagnosis, airway disease and lung transplantation to help patients with the best care we have to offer.
The Aster Whitefield Pulmonology services include -
- Interventional Pulmonology
- Pulmonary function lab
- Airway disease clinic
- Interstitial lung disease clinic
- Lung transplantation clinic
- Early diagnosis of lung cancer
- Sleep Disorders
- Smoking cessation clinic.
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