You’re building your nest, your family, your career. There is just so much that each day demands of you. And each person. It’s easy to give your own health the last priority. Don’t.
Tests Included :
- Complete Blood Count With ESR
- Blood Group & Rh Type
- Glucose - Fasting
- Glucose - Post Prandial, 2 Hours
- TFT (Thyroid Function Test)
- Urine Examination, Routine
- Liver Function Test
- Lipid Profile
- Kidney Function Test
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin D
- USG Breast
- USG - Abdomen & Pelvis
- X-ray Chest (PA or AP)
- Consultation - Gynaecology
- Consultation - Physician
- Consultation - Dietitian
- Consultation - Dental
- Consultation – Ophthalmology
- Pulmonary Function Test