Haematology, Haemato Oncology & BMT
The department of Haematology, Haemato Oncology & BMT at Aster Medcity provides comprehensive treatment for all malignant and non –malignant disorders of the blood in adults and children.
Treatments include:
- Management of Refractory Anaemias, Haemoglobinopathy like Thalassemia/ Sickle Cell Anaemia Haemolytic Anaemia and Myelodysplastic syndrome.
- Leucocyte disorders like Myeloproliferative disorder, including Monocytic or Eosinophilic disorder, Haemophago Lymphohistiocytic disorder and Lyphoproliferative disorders.
- Management of congenital bone marrow failure syndrome and autoimmune Cytopenias.
- Haemostasis and Thrombosis management.
- Management of malignant diseases like Lymphoma, Leukemia and Myeloma.
- Bone Marrow Transplant programs for adults and children, led by an expert team of Haematologists- Haemato Oncologists.
Bone Marrow Transplant: Adult & Paediatric
- Bone marrow Transplant unit with dedicated Apheresis ubit for collection of stem cells and cryopreservation facility for storage of stem cells.
- Autologous and Allogeneic Stem Cell transplant for defined indication.
- Haploidentical transplants and matched unrelated donor transplantation for patients who do not have a matching donor in the family.
Our Doctors
We have some of the best specialists from around the world, they bring years of experience and offer evidence-based treatment to ensure the best care for you.