Aster Prime Hospital does not offer any sort of employment in exchange for payment of money for any purpose whatsoever. If you receive any similar kind of offer from anyone representing Aster Prime Hospital, please send an email with the intimation and related documents to [email protected].
Emergency Medicine

The Department of Emergency Medicine at Aster Mother Hospital, Areekode which works as the quick response team, is staffed 24 hours a day by Emergency Medicine physicians, in-house trauma surgeons, anesthesiologists, trauma nurses and vital support services including blood storage and laboratory services. The trauma care department is well equipped with 20 beds, which includes triage beds, PEM Zone, Red Zone (first priority), Yellow Zone (2nd Priority ) and Green Zone (Observation and 3rd priority cases). Department manages all forms of medical, surgical, Cardiac, poly Trauma, Paediatric and Neurological conditions. The Emergency Department staffs at  Aster Mother Hospital, Areekode always strive to provide patients with the highest quality emergency care and service in an efficient and timely manner.

Our Doctors

We have some of the best specialists from around the world, they bring years of experience and offer evidence-based treatment to ensure the best care for you.

One Aster

Personalized Medical Assistant for all your healthcare needs.
Book instant appointment, pay securely, eConsult with our doctors and save all your health records at one place are some of the benefits of OneAster App. It is everything you need, to manage your family Health.


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