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Medical Oncology

The department of Medical Oncology at Aster Mother Hospital, Areekode offers comprehensive care in diagnosing and treating patients of all ages (adults and children), suffering from solid tumours and haematological malignancies. Cancer patients need accurate diagnosis and staging workup of cancer, multidisciplinary treatment and proper follow-up. In our department, our motto is Cancer Care and Cure with Clarity and Compassion. We strive with passion to provide this service to every cancer patient who comes to our department. From the oncologists, oncology nurses and the staff in administration, all efforts are done to provide the best care for the oncology patients and the onus is always to keep improving. The onus is on the early detection of the most common cancers seen in our population like breast, cervical cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, and oral cancer etc.

Education regarding cancer prevention measures is given to each individual who comes for screening. The medical oncology unit takes care of chemotherapy, immunotherapy and targeted therapy for our cancer patients. The team derives its strength from the experience of oncologists who have more than a decade of experience in providing different systemic treatments and managing their toxicities as and when they occur. Palliative care services are provided to all patients with cancer who have symptoms. Early palliative care is a very important aspect of the management of early cancers as they also need symptomatic control during their treatment. Advanced cancer patients are provided with pain relief measures along with palliation of other symptoms like fluid in the chest and abdomen, breathing difficulty etc. Oral morphine, Fentanyl patch etc is available for patient care.

We are committed to offering compassionate care along with personalized treatment for patients with various cancer types through the use of chemotherapy and targeted therapy.

Our Doctors

We have some of the best specialists from around the world, they bring years of experience and offer evidence-based treatment to ensure the best care for you.


Want to find out more about the treatment? The answer to your questions can be found below.

What documents to carry on my first visit to a Medical oncologist?

For your first visit to a Medical Oncologist, it's essential to carry the following documents to ensure a smooth and efficient appointment:

Medical Records: Bring any medical records related to your diagnosis, previous treatments, surgeries, and pathology reports.

List of Medications: Prepare a list of all medications you are currently taking, including dosage and frequency.

Insurance Information: Have your insurance card or any relevant documents ready for verification.

Identification: Carry a valid photo ID, such as a driver's license or passport.

List of Questions: Write down any questions you have about your condition, treatment options, and prognosis.

Supportive Documents: If applicable, bring any advanced directives, living wills, or power of attorney documents.

By having these documents handy, you can help your Medical Oncologist better understand your medical history and provide you with the most appropriate care.

Will a medical oncologist hеlp manage side effects during trеatmеnt?

Of course! A medical oncologist's ability to manage and lessen side effects during cancer treatment is one of their key responsibilities. They assess patients' progress and address any treatment-related issues while working closely with them. Medical oncologists are very knowledgeable and experienced in managing side symptoms, including fatigue, hair loss, and nausea. They offer patients with cancer guidance, medication prescriptions, or recommendations for supportive therapy in an effort to reduce pain and enhance their overall quality of life. Their commitment to provide cancer care guarantees that patients receive the best possible assistance during their treatment journey.

What types of treatments do medical oncologists usе for cancеr patiеnts?

To fight cancer, medical oncologists use a range of treatment approaches. They evaluate each patient's case on an individual basis, taking into account variables such as the patient's overall health, stage, and cancer kind. Surgery to remove tumors, chemotherapy to target cancer cells, radiation therapy to reduce tumor size, targeted therapy to obstruct particular cancer-related chemicals, and immunotherapy to boost the immune system are examples of common therapies.

What аrе thе most common types of cancer trеatеd by mеdical oncologists?

Physicians with expertise in oncology can treat a variety of cancers. The most prevalent kinds that they come across include lung, colorectal, breast, prostate, and lymphoma cancers. Nonetheless, their expertise encompasses several other categories as well. They remain abreast of the most recent developments in cancer care in order to offer their patients the best possible treatment options and guarantee the highest caliber of care throughout their cancer journey.

What doеs an mеdical oncologist do?

In the realm of cancer care, a medical oncologist is essential. These exceptionally talented professionals are masters at identifying and treating a wide range of cancer types. Utilizing state-of-the-art methods and innovations in medicine, they aim to offer the best cancer treatment alternatives out there. Finding the top medical oncologists requires investigating the top cancer hospitals known for their exceptional care.Medical oncologists collaborate closely with a team of specialists to provide individualized treatment strategies that are tailored to the specific needs of each patient. They are essential in the battle against cancer because of their commitment and knowledge.

Do Medical Oncologists perform surgery?

Medical Oncologists do not typically perform surgery. They are specialized physicians who focus on diagnosing and treating cancer using chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, hormone therapy, and other systemic treatments. Medical Oncologists work closely with other healthcare providers, including surgeons and radiation oncologists, to create comprehensive treatment plans for cancer patients.

How often should somеonе see a medical oncologist during trеatmеnt?

Depending on the specific circumstances, the number of visits to a medical oncologist throughout cancer treatment may differ. Patients usually schedule routine consultations with their medical oncologist to review treatment options, address any concerns, and monitor their progress. Throughout the cancer treatment journey, regular follow-ups with a medical oncologist are crucial to ensuring the best possible outcomes and continued care.

How does a medical oncologist dеcidе on a trеatmеnt plan?

A medical oncologist's creation of a treatment plan is an essential part of their job description. These professionals carefully take into account a number of variables, including the patient's unique demands, overall health, and the type and stage of the malignancy. Medical oncologists create treatment plans using their experience and knowledge, which may involve surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, or immunotherapy. Medical oncologists should keep abreast of the most recent developments in cancer treatment in order to offer their patients the best possible care and the most efficient solutions.

What doеs an mеdical oncologist do?

In the realm of cancer care, a medical oncologist is essential. These exceptionally talented professionals are masters at identifying and treating a wide range of cancer types. Utilizing state-of-the-art methods and innovations in medicine, they aim to offer the best cancer treatment alternatives out there. Finding the top medical oncologists requires investigating the top cancer hospitals known for their exceptional care.Medical oncologists collaborate closely with a team of specialists to provide individualized treatment strategies that are tailored to the specific needs of each patient. They are essential in the battle against cancer because of their commitment and knowledge.


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