Increase the chance of fertilisation with intrauterine insemination. Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a procedure to increase the sperm count in male. The procedure also includes the placing of sperm inside the woman's uterine cavity. By increasing the sperm count, the procedure increases the number of sperms reaching the fallopian tube and then automatically, the chance of fertilisation also increases. This method is preferred by most of the couple compared to the IVF. The procedure is performed before 24 to 36 hours of ovulation. At first semen sample is taken and then semen is separated from the seminal fluid. Then the sperms are directly inserted into the uterus. The doctor of obstetrics and gynaecology department in the Aster hospital will ensure that the patient can have a child by performing IUI.
Intra Uterine Insemination