Aster Prime Hospital does not offer any sort of employment in exchange for payment of money for any purpose whatsoever. If you receive any similar kind of offer from anyone representing Aster Prime Hospital, please send an email with the intimation and related documents to [email protected].
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Imagine a situation when you or your loved ones suddenly fall sick and are too weak to visit a hospital or clinic nearby, or when you have an important meeting and your dad/mom’s doctor appointment scheduled on the same day, or when a bedridden elderly or a person with restricted mobility must visit a doctor. These are times when you cannot visit nearby hospital for further management of health conditions of yours or your dear ones. 

Aster@Home, India’s first JCI accredited home healthcare service provider, brings back the concept of family physician at the comfort of your home. Aster Medcity’s doctor visits your home and help you with consultation or further treatment.

Management of chronic diseases in elderly is one of the key areas that can be done efficiently. What more – the home healthcare service means no travelling, no traffic hassles, and no more waiting hours at the hospital.

For home healthcare assistance, please call 9656900760, 8138996665, 0484 2910012.


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Book instant appointment, pay securely, eConsult with our doctors and save all your health records at one place are some of the benefits of OneAster App. It is everything you need, to manage your family Health.


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