How to take care of your children's health in Winter?

by Dr. Chetan Ginigeri

For most kids, the winter season is filled with festive lights, Santa gifts, a cup of hot chocolate, and course, the best part, the winter holidays. However, as the temperature drops, children are at an increased risk of catching cold and being ill. Children suffer from simple colds to more serious respiratory issues during winter. Thus, as paediatricians, we always suggest your patient's family take care of your kids more than any other season. It is essential to understand what suits your kids and take all the precautionary steps to ensure they stay safe and healthy to enjoy this season. This blog talks about the common illnesses and preventive measures required to ensure your child is healthy this winter season.

Common Winter Illnesses in Children

The winter season has a lot of prominent health concerns, especially since children are more sensitive as their immune systems are still developing and growing. Here’s the list of the commonly occurred illnesses in kids during the winter season:

1. Common Cold and Flu
The decrease in temperature during the winter season fosters the growth of viruses that lead to a wide range of illnesses including commonly known cold and flu. Fever, cough, runny nose and body pain are some of the most alarming symptoms.

2. Bronchitis and Bronchiolitis
Such diseases are termed as inflammation or infection of the bronchial tubes which affects the airways and lungs. Children, especially infants are more likely to suffer from bronchiolitis, primarily caused by inhalation of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

3. Pneumonia
Pneumonia is one of the concerning realities as it is a viral or bacterial infection of the lungs. Patients suffer from high fever, increased heart rate and cough associated with pain in the chest area.

4. Asthma Flare-Ups
By breathing in cold air along with seasonal allergens, asthma attacks can be triggered in children.

5. Dry Skin and Eczema
Cold and dry air can make skin conditions worse for children such as dryness and exacerbation of eczema to the ones who are prone to it.

6. Chilblains
A drop in temperature can induce cold-stimulating pain in the skin owing to inflammation of small blood vessels, thereby causing itching, redness and swelling.

Here is how you can protect your kids from Winter Illness:

1. Layer Up Effectively

In order to stay comfortable whilst allowing the ease of removing or putting on more clothes depending on the coldness, it is advisable to dress your child in layers. Begin with a thermal layer, followed by a sweater, and finally a waterproof jacket. Don’t forget gloves, scarves, and hats to protect your extremities.

2. Keep them Hydrated

During the chilling winter months, children often drink less water and are dehydrated due to the increased need to urinate. Thus, parents should ensure that their kids drink warm liquids like soups, herbal teas, or warm water mixed with lemon and honey.

3. Boost Immunity Through Nutrition

Include immune-boosting foods in your child’s diet, such as:

  • Fresh fruits like oranges, strawberries, and guavas for vitamin C.
  • Vegetables like spinach, broccoli, and carrots for essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Foods rich in zinc, like nuts, seeds, and lentils.
  • Probiotic-rich foods like yoghurt to maintain gut health.

4. Maintain Proper Hygiene

Viruses can spread easily in closed environments in winter. Teach your children the importance of washing hands frequently, especially before meals and after sneezing or coughing. Ensure they use tissues or their elbows to cover their mouth when sneezing.

5. Moisturise Skin Regularly

Winter causes dryness in the kin which can be avoided by applying a gentle, hypoallergenic moisturizer. Choose products which are child-friendly to avoid irritation.

6. Limit Outdoor Exposure

While outdoor play is essential, limit exposure during extremely cold or windy days. Ensure your child wears appropriate clothing and comes indoors immediately if they feel cold.

7. Humidify Indoor Air

Indoor heating systems can make the air dry, exacerbating respiratory and skin problems. Use a humidifier to maintain optimal humidity levels in your home.

8. Keep Them Active

Encourage physical activity indoors if outdoor play is not feasible. Activities like yoga, dancing, or simple indoor exercises help improve circulation and keep the body warm.

9. Regular Check-Ups

Visit your paediatrics regularly to monitor your child’s overall health. Timely vaccinations, including the flu shot, are crucial for protection against seasonal illnesses.


When to See a Paediatrician

Your child may even get the flu despite taking all precautionary measures for winter. It is significant to note when to rush to a doctor. Here are few symptoms which need your pediatrician intervention:

  • High fever lasting for more than 2 days despite the consumption of medication.
  • Difficulty breathing, wheezing, or rapid breathing.
  • Cough that lasts more than a week.
  • Signs of dehydration, such as dry mouth, reduced urination, or lethargy.
  • Rash and skin diseases that do not improve despite the appropriate care.

Here are few home remedies to manage mild colds at home
A minor cold or winter illness can be managed at home by using these home remedies:

  • Steam Inhalation & Saline Nasal Drops: Helps to relieve nasal congestion in infants.

  • Honey and Warm Water: It Soothes sore throat and is recommended for children above one year of age.

  • Ginger Tea: Eases the cough and cold symptoms.

What Precautions one take for Infants?
Infants require special care during the winter season as they’re not capable of regulating their body temperature effectively.

  • Always cover their head and feet.
  • To avoid overheating, prefer soft, and breathable layers to cover.
  • Avoid exposing the infants to extreme weather, unless it’s required.
  • Frequent breastfeeding of infants provides all the essentials as well as the antibodies necessary.


Winter care for children should involve a mix of preventive approaches, timely intervention, and nurturing care. If this is all kept in your child's clothing, nutritional aspects, hygiene, or any other way, winter will not harm your baby at all.

While keeping them physically fit is important, do not forget their emotional well-being. Engaging them with indoor playtime storytelling and family time will help them stay happy and not feel boredom, keeping their mental health also intact.


Remember, every child is unique, and so their needs might be different. Consult your paediatrician to get advice that best suits your child's needs, especially if your child suffers from pre-existing conditions like asthma or eczema. By taking the right steps, winter can be as magical and loveable as the story books your kids read about. Just that, taking care of your little ones' health is all that is needed.

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