Critical Care Medicine: The globally accredited comprehensive critical care service at Aster MIMS provides a complete solution for those who suffer from life-threatening illnesses.
The 86-bedded Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment for managing all medical emergencies.
Aster MIMS provides better care with the support of patient-friendly physicians, nurses and inducing technology-driven methods for easy diagnosis of the diseases. The multidisciplinary team approach of dedicated physicians in the department has also paved the way for quick diagnosis and treatment.
Advanced Technology & Facilities
Well equipped with the latest medical equipment, modern technology & infrastructure, Aster Hospital is one of the best hospitals in India.
High quality postoperative evidence based patient care
Resuscitation of acutely ill patients
Invasive monitoring
Ventilation techniques
Percutaneous tracheostomy
Fibre optic bronchoscopes for therapeutic and diagnostic modalities
Transesophgeal echocardiography
Intraaortic baloon pump
Acute postoperative pain relief techniques
Nutrition therapy
Rehabilitation therapy
Patient Stories
Our patients are our best advocates, hear the inspiring stories of their treatment journey
The source of trustworthy health and medical information. Through this section, we provide research-based health information, and all that is happening in Aster Hospital.