Dr. Gangaprasad G
Associate Director - Aster North Kerala Cluster (Critical Care)
Dr. Gangaprasad is Associate Director - Aster North Kerala Cluster of Critcal Care Medicine at Aster MIMS, Calicut with more than 7 years of experience. He is experienced in treating post-organ transplant patients and his area of interests are neuro critical care, post organ transplant infections, sepsis and toxicology.
- Infectious Diseases
- Tropical fevers
- Organ Transplant & Brain dead Donor management.
- Renal replacement therapy in critical care
- Critical care Ultrasound and Echo
- Obstetric Emergencies
- Sepsis and Toxicology
- Certificate of Excellence from Chief Minister for services related to ‘Nipah”
- Govt. of Kerala, Health and family welfare department appreciation certificate for the services to control Nipah outbreak in Calicut.
- WHO has appreciated Baby Memorial Hospital in their website for quickest diagnosis of Nipah which Helped in the fast containment of the outbreak.
- Manappallil RG, Surendran S, Kumar A, Prasad G. Normotensive HELLP Syndrome in the Midst of Dengue fever. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences 2018; 9(2):40-42
- Manappallil RG, Azez A, Kumar A, Prasad G, Sabir MC, Emphysematous Pylonephritis Presenting in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A case report. Intl J Adv Med 2017;4:1487-9
- Manappallil RG, Gangadharan G, Anil R. Abdominal Pain due to Cough –induced internal oblique and transverse abdominis hematoma in patients with H1N1 Influenza. Indian J Case Reports.2019; 5(6):518-519.
- 4. Robin George Manappallil, Gangaprasad gangadharan, Anju Chacko, Anil Praveen. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Presenting as Evans Syndrome. The Journal of International Medical Sciences Academy. 2020( January to March); Vol 33;No 1