Aster Prime Hospital does not offer any sort of employment in exchange for payment of money for any purpose whatsoever. If you receive any similar kind of offer from anyone representing Aster Prime Hospital, please send an email with the intimation and related documents to [email protected].
Multi Organ Transplant

An outstanding team of doctors working dedicatedly in a state-of-the-art Multi Organ Transplant Complex with Transplant Operation Theatres and Transplant ICUs for liver, kidney, heart transplantation surgeries provides the best service in the region. Organ transplant, as the name suggests, is replacing one’s diseased organ like liver, heart etc. with healthy donated organ. There are two types of transplant: Solid Organ Transplant and Bone Marrow Transplant/ Peripheral Blood Transplant. Solid Organ Transplant is replacing organs like the kidney, liver, pancreas, heart, lungs and small intestine. Bone Marrow / Peripheral Blood Transplant are non-surgical procedures that involve infusing healthy blood cells to replace the diseased cells.

Available Hospitals

We provide excellent care, right from diagnosis to the treatment and beyond at our world-class hospitals.

Our Doctors

We have some of the best specialists from around the world, they bring years of experience and offer evidence-based treatment to ensure the best care for you.

Advanced Technology & Facilities

Well equipped with the latest medical equipment, modern technology & infrastructure, Aster Hospital is one of the best hospitals in India.

Operation Theatres

ORI Fusion Digital Integrated Operation Theatres With 22 Operating Rooms that are on par with some of the largest in the world, Aster Medcity, for the first time South India, introduces ORI Fusion Digital Integrated Operation Theatres using Karlstorz OR1 Fusion - Asia Pacific’s first complete digital integration system.
The integration enables real-time sharing of images, videos and medical reports, which not only facilitates virtual participation from any location in the world, but also helps the rest of the surgical team to monitor the patient closely during the operative procedure, much to the benefit and safety of the patient undergoing the surgery.
Aster Medcity is also the first surgical facility in the state to offer Robotic Surgery using high-precision da Vinci Surgery Robot.

Kidney Transplant
  • DA VINCY SURGERY ROBOT - The da Vinci system at Aster MARS is a state-of-the-art surgery robot with three deft mechanical hands and a 3D video camera that works like a third eye for the surgeon. These are inserted into the body through very small incisions, and the surgeon, who is seated at the console that provides a highly magnified 3D view of the area, performs the surgery using robotic hands.
  • 256 Slice philips ICT scanner
  • Independent ICUs With Intellispace Critical Care Anesthesia
  • Pediatric Kidney Transplant
  • Combined dual organ Transplant 
  • Live (related) Kidney Transplant 
  • Deceased Donor Kidney Transplant
Operation Theater

All Operation Theatre/ Operating Rooms are equipped with KLS Martin's state of the art LED surgical light with colour temperature adjustment and in-surgery video recording capability. The OR tables are all USFDA approved products with operating room staff and patient safety in consideration.

The state-of-the-art Surgical microscope with fluorescence and inbuilt camera recording gives the Neuro and Plastic surgeon an edge in quick decision making and knowledge sharing on table. The ceiling mounted medical gas and electrical supply pendants are first of its kind in north Malabar giving the surgeons and staffs more space, efficient utilisation of the OR space, safety, ease of maintenance and troubleshooting etc. The surgeon control panel another feature in Operating room provides the operating room manager an efficient tool in the optimum environment maintenance and data for preparation of MIS reports. The simple and complex versions of Nerve integrity monitor and the computer aided Navigation System for the ENT, Neuro surgeries help the surgeons in identifying and avoiding the nerves so that the unintended loss of senses are avoided or reduced and the exact margins of the lesions or surgical sites are traced and followed. HEPA filter mounted laminar air flow, Automatic hermetically sealed Doors and the clear non crossing direction of movement of sterile and non-sterile items makes the OR sterile in practice.


One Aster

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