Metabolic Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

by Dr. G.N Ramesh

Metabolism is defined as life-sustaining chemical reactions that help carry out bodily functions like breathing, repairing cells and digesting food. In other words, it is a complex process that helps break down and convert the food you eat into energy for immediate use or stores it for the future.

To maintain health and weight and reduce the risk of health conditions, an individual must have a healthy metabolism. When a person's metabolism process fails, it can lead to the release of excessive or restrained essential substances that the body needs for everyday activities. This state is known as Metabolic Syndrome or Syndrome X. Metabolic Syndrome is increasingly common in India.

If a person is experiencing this syndrome or any of its components, aggressive changes in lifestyle may delay or help prevent the development of serious health problems, such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke. 

What is Metabolic Syndrome? 

The best gastroenterologist in Ernakulam stresses that Metabolic Syndrome is not a disorder – it is an accumulation of risk factors such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar, unhealthy cholesterol levels and abdominal fat. Leading experts believe that this syndrome is closely linked with gastric, cardiovascular, gynaecologic or other diseases.

These conditions include:

Increased blood pressure: 

High blood pressure or hypertension is a ’silent killer’. The blood pressure against the arteries may be high, and the person may not be aware that anything is wrong. 

Insulin resistance: 

High fasting blood sugar or insulin resistance will lead to diabetes and prediabetes.

High triglyceride (TG) levels: 

High levels of TG derived from consuming fatty foods, butter and oils may increase your risk of heart diseases.

Lower high-density lipoprotein (HDL):

Low levels of HDL or good cholesterol will increase your risk of death from heart diseases. 

Central obesity:

The excess accumulation of fat in an individual's abdominal area, greater than 40 inches for men and 35 inches for women, will increase their risk of health complications.

If a person has three or more of these conditions, constitutes diagnosis of Metabolic Syndrome.

What are the causes of Metabolic Syndrome?

Leading experts from Aster Medcity, Kochi, said that the exact cause of this ailment is unknown. They believe that the syndrome could be an amalgamation of factors related to lifestyle and genetics. Lifestyle factors include sleep patterns, dietary habits and activity levels.

What are some risk factors for Metabolic Syndrome?

As explained earlier, Metabolic Syndrome does not have specific signs and symptoms. It is a combination of modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors.

Modifiable risk factors are controllable through increased levels of activity; a nutritious, healthy and balanced diet; and treating hormonal imbalances.

Non-modifiable risk factors cannot be controlled as they include a family history of Metabolic Syndrome, increasing age and body type – apple or pear.

What other health problems can be caused by Metabolic Syndrome?

Metabolic Syndrome leads to other long-term and severe health conditions such as kidney disease, liver disease, stroke, heart disease, diabetes and atherosclerosis.

How can you treat or prevent Metabolic Syndrome?

If you are an individual who is committed to reducing the risk of Metabolic Syndrome, then you must lead a healthy lifestyle with good food, exercise and meditation. If you need medical treatment, then you can book an appointment with one of the best gastroenterologist in ernakulam as it is a renowned place for advanced gastro disorders treatment.

As you are aware, eating a healthy and well-balanced diet includes food groups such as pulses and legumes, whole grains, dairy, fruits and vegetables, dry fruits and nuts. Consuming a diet with these groups will help achieve optimal health.

Additionally, it is crucial for an individual to limit the intake of packaged and processed foods. Excessive intake of unhealthy trans fats, sodium and added sugar is detrimental to a person's health. It is also important that the person cuts down on consuming alcohol and cigarettes. This will help keep one's body healthy and fit.

Move away from a sedentary lifestyle by incorporating regular physical activity into your busy schedule. Individuals can pick an exercise of their choice, from jogging, walking, running or swimming to hitting the gym or playing sports. Indulging in such activities will help keep your body moving and prevent excessive weight gain.

A person can indulge in a few minutes of meditation every day for their overall health and well-being. Time and again, it has been proven that meditation can result in a profound state of relaxation and peace of mind. During meditation, a person can focus on eliminating negative emotions and stress-causing thoughts. 

It is important to be aware that Metabolic Syndrome is a rare and preventable ailment. Leading a healthy, active and stress-free lifestyle is the first and best step towards reducing a person's risk of Metabolic Syndrome.

If a person is experiencing signs of Metabolic Syndrome, they must consult a gastroenterologist in their area for diagnosis, treatment and lifestyle and dietary guidelines.

Aster Medcity has a team of the best gastroenterologists in Kerala. Fix an appointment for a consultation today!