Dr. Srikanta J T
Consultant - Paediatric Interventional Pulmonology
Dr. Srikanta J T, with several years of experience, is consultant, Interventional Paediatric pulmonology at Aster CMI Hospital. He has earlier worked as Senior House Officer in the Department of Paediatrics at Kanchi Kamakoti CHILDS Trust Hospital, Chennai (DNB Accredited Institution), Registrar in Paediatric intensive care at Kanchi Kamakoti CHILDS Trust Hospital, Chennai (DNB Accredited Institution), Observer in the department of Pulmonology at Institute of Child Health and Hospital for Children (ICH&HC), Chennai and Registrar in General paediatrics at Soorya Hospital, Chennai.
He is a Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), Diploma in child health (DCH), Diplomate of national board (DNB) Paediatrics, a clinical fellow in paediatric pulmonology and sleep medicine and has training in interventional pulmonology from Bangalore and Italy.
Dr. Srikanta is part of several projects - genetic analysis of primary ciliary dyskinesia in Singapore and neighbouring countries, radiological and clinical characteristics of subpleural lung cysts in Trisomy 21, trends in the prevalence and severity of asthma, rhinitis and eczema in Singapore school children two decades after the baseline survey, correlation of ulnar length and stature in Singaporean children, Transesophageal bronchoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle Aspiration (EUS-B-FNA) Pushing the boundaries in the diagnosis? For Peer review in Pediatric pulmonology, a new modality for diagnosis in pediatric ILD – transbronchial lung cryobiopsy, for Peer review in Indian Paediatrics and Endobronchial ultrasound and transesophageal ultrasound in Paediatric mediastinal lymphadenopathy – A single centre experience.
- Interventional Paediatric Pulmonology, Paediatric intensive care, Paediatrics, sleep medicine General pulmonology: Inpatient and outpatient management of respiratory cases, Lung function in children, Imaging of the lung, aerosol therapy, allergy, congenital malformations, asthma and wheezing disorders of childhood, chronic lung disease of prematurity, cystic fibrosis, acute and chronic infection, tuberculosis, management of technology-dependent children.
- Interventional pulmonology: Flexible bronchoscopy, Rigid bronchoscopy, Endo-bronchial biopsy and transbronchial nodal aspiration, Esophageal ultrasound-bronchial fine needle aspiration, Pleuroscopy, Pleural biopsy and adhesiolysis, Cryobiopsy of lung.
- Sleep medicine: Obstructive sleep apnea in children, sleep-related disorders (Non-rapid eye movement and rapid eye movement sleep disorders), narcolepsy, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) initiation and titration, bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP) initiation and titration, management of technology-dependent children. Allergy and immunology: Allergy skin testing, Immunotherapy.
- Certificate in Paediatrics Advanced Life Support conducted by Indian academy of paediatrics- American heart association (IAP-AHA)
- Certified in Paediatric Emergency Medicine Course (PEMC) conducted by the ISCCM-Chennai Chapter (Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine)
- Certificate in Neonatal Advanced Life Support conducted by IAP-AHA
- Certificate in Basic cardiac Life Support (BCLS) from National university hospital accredited by National Resuscitation Council, Singapore
- Indian academy of paediatrics
- American heart association
- Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine
- National Resuscitation Council, Singapore
Papers Published
- Mehta R, Biraris P, Shivakumar S, Misra S, Anoop P, Srikanta J T. Transesophageal bronchoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle Aspiration (EUS-B-FNA) – Pushing the boundaries in the diagnosis. Pediatric pulmonology. 2017;9999:1-3.
- Srikanta J. Tukaram, Shylendra D.S. Sastry, Ravindra M. Mehta, MD* Bronchoscopic Segmental Lavage for Refractory Lipoid Pneumonia in a Toddler, Journal of Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology: April 2018 - Volume 25 - Issue 2 - p e19–e21
- Michael TC Lim, Jeevesh Kapur, Bharath KR Reddy, Srikanta T Jingade MD, Daniel YT Goh, Mahesh B Ramamurthy. Subpleural Lung Cysts in Children with Trisomy 21. Annals Academy of Medicine December 2017, Vol. 46 No. 12, 472-475.
- J T Srikanta, S Swarna, D S Shylendra and Ravindra Mehta, Transbronchial Lung Cryobiopsy for Diagnosis of Paediatric Interstitial Lung Disease, Indian Pediatrics, volume 55, June 15, 2018 Poster presentations
- Pulmonary function test parameters following bone marrow transplant in pediatric patients, Srikanta JT, Daban K, Tan PL, Villegas MS, Lee JT, Goh DY, Lim MT, Ramamurthy MB International Congress on Pediatric Pulmonology (CIPP), Bruges, Belgium (28th June 2014)
- Use of functional endoscopic evaluation of swallowing in clinical practice Srikanta JT, Goh DY, Ramamurthy M, Lim MT 4th Singapore Paediatric and Perinatal Annual Congress 2015
- Bilateral simultaneous spontaneous pneumothorax: The case for prompt clinical examination and management Srikanta JT, Goh DY, Ramamurthy M, Lim MT 4th Singapore Paediatric and Perinatal Annual Congress 2015
- Persistent biphasic stridor in a ten-year-old girl: A case report Run Ting CHIN, Yang Chern Lim, Srikanta JT, Mahesh b RAMAMURTHY, Daniel YT GOH, Michael TC LIM. 4th Singapore Paediatric and Perinatal Annual Congress 2015