Dr. Narayan N S
Consultant - Radiologist
Dr. Narayan did his MBBS from A J Institue of Medical Sciences, Mangalore, Affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of medical sciences, Bangalore and his MD Radio diagnosis from the prestigious Kasturba medical college, Manipal, Affiliated Manipal Academy of higher education.
- Competent in performing abdominal and musculoskeletal ultrasound and Doppler.
- Competent in interpretation of CT and MRI including musculoskeletal and body CT and MRI.
- Have performed 65 USG-guided pleural aspirations, 110 USG-guided FNAC of thyroid, and 26 USG-guided pigtail catheter insertions.
- Performed 5 Four vessels cerebral angiography (DSA).
- Assisted in USG-guided liver and renal biopsy.
- Assisted in uterine artery embolization, bronchial artery embolization, and permadeath insertion.
Area of expertise
- Pediatric neuroradiology
- Musculoskeletal and Sports Imaging
- Body Imaging
- Breast imaging
- Cardiac Imaging
- Hepatic and biliary imaging.
- Interventional radiology.
Papers and Posters Presented:
- Poster presentation on “Imaging of Orbital Mass- A case series” at the Indian Radiology and imaging association (IRIA), Mumbai in January 2018.
- Proffered paper presentation on “Role of CT pulmonary angiography in diagnosing and predicting the clinical outcome in case of acute pulmonary embolism”.
Article Published:
- Role of CT pulmonary angiography in diagnosing the clinical outcome in case of acute pulmonary embolism, in “Hongkong Journal of Radiology (HKJR)”.
Conferences and CMEs Attended:
- IRIA (Indian Radiology and imaging association) national conference Mumbai January 2018.
- CME: Advances in antenatal ultrasound AJIMS Mangalore 2016.
- CME: Advances in chest imaging 2016 KMC Manipal.
- CME: Advances in shoulder ultrasound, AJIMS Mangalore 2017.