Dr. Anitha Vijayan
Associate Consultant - Developmental Paediatrics
Paediatrician with 8 years experience, with a specialisation in the field of Neurodevelopmental Paediatrics. She has received specialised training in the management of developmental disorders in children including ADHD, ASD, Cerebral Palsy, Learning Disabilities, Intellectual Disabilities, Behavioural Disorders and Genetic Syndromes and providing guidance to their caregivers to maximise their capabilities and improve their quality of life.
She obtained her MBBS from PSG IMSR, Coimbatore. She completed her Post graduation in Paediatrics DCh from SRMC, Chennai, and was the University Gold Medalist. She did her MRCPCH in Paediatrics from Royal College Of Paediatrics, London. She completed her Fellowship from Indian Academy of Paediatrics (IAP) in Developmental Paediatrics from the prestigious Child Developmental Centre (CDC), Trivandrum.
- Developmental Paediatrics
- General Paediatrics.
- Award for best paper presentation - First Prize - “Neurodevelopmental follow-up of at-risk babies – Language development at 18 to 24 months of age”, presented at Golden Jubilee Pedicon, Kerala state conference, Dec 2021, Kochi, Kerala.
- "Profile of Children with Congenital Anomalies – Findings from a Tertiary care setting in South Kerala" – Paper Presentation at International Conference on Clubfoot organised by Department of Health and Family Welfare, Govt of Kerala, Dec 2021, Trivandrum, Kerala.
- Co-authored article in Newsletter of Indian Academy of Paediatrics “Role of Botulinum in Cerebral Palsy”, Child India, June 2022.
- Poster on “Email Exchange Programme: Effective Way of Twinning to Improve Paediatric Oncology Services in Developing Countries”, presented at Australian New Zealand Children Haematology and Oncology (ANZCHOG) Conference, Sydney 2010 under guidance of Dr. Julius Xavier Scott, Consultant Paediatric Haemato-Oncologist, SRMC, Chennai.
- Publication: Paper on "Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura in A First-degree Relative of A Patient With Multiple Sclerosis" in UHOD International Journal of Haematology and Oncology, May 2010.
- Contributed and co-authored the Textbook on Paediatrics, by Dr. Julius Xavier Scott for Postgraduate and Undergraduate Students.