Dr. Ismail Siyad K H
Senior Consultant - Medical Gastroenterology
A Medical Gastroenterologist, experience in managing complex gastrointestinal disorders and diseases, Dr. Ismail Siyad K H is an expert in upper and lower endoscopies - both diagnostic and therapeutic. He has performed 1000+ complex therapeutic ERCP procedures including biliary and pancreatic endotherapies like stone extraction, biliary and pancreatic stenting. His areas of special interest include therapeutic endoscopy, especially in post-transplant biliary complications, endoscopic mucosal dissections (ESD) and endosonography.
- Expert in all diagnostic and therapeutic, upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopies which include hemostatic measures like banding, clip application, heater probe application, Argon plasma coagulation, glue injection for gastric varices, polypectomies, Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (EMR) and dissection, Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG), metallic stent placement (esophageal, enteral and biliary) etc.
- Experience in reporting capsule Endoscopy and high-resolution GI manometry.
- Experience in managing post liver transplant biliary complications and therapeutic EUS like EUS guided FNAC/Biopsy, Cystogastrostomy, celiac ganglion block for chronic pancreatitis, choledochoduodenostomy.
- Published research articles in peer reviewed journals