Dr. Kishore T. A
Senior Consultant - Uro Oncology & Transplant Surgery
One of the top Urologists in the region, Dr. Kishore T A has more than 21+ years of experience in comprehensive management of complex genitourinary diseases. Trained at some of the finest medical institutes in the United States and India, he is an expert in robotic surgery, renal transplantation, urological oncology, advanced endourology and laparoscopic urology. Dr. Kishore is the first Urologist to perform NOTES assisted vaginal donor nephrectomy, robotic assisted radical nephrectomy and IVC thrombectomy in India; the third in the world to perform Transvaginal Assisted Robotic Renal Transplantation; the fourth in world to complete 50 robotic renal transplantation surgeries, first in south India to perform Robotic Assisted Renal transplantation, second person in world to perform Level 3 & IVC thrombectomy with suprahepatic clamping and Level 4 IVC thrombectomy. He is the first person in Kerala to do robotic surgery.
- Robotic Surgery: Robotic Prostatectomy /Cystectomy, Partial Nephrectomy
- Laparoscopy: Partial Nephrectomy, Radical Nephrectomy, Donor Nephrectomy
- Genitourinary Oncology: Open/ Laparoscopic and Robotic Prostatectomy, Cystectomy, Neobladder
- Robotic Renal Transplantation
- Advanced ablation procedures like RFA, Cryotherapy
- Endourology procedures including PCNL, TURBT.
- Performed more than 1000 laparoscopic donor nephrectomies & renal transplantations
- Performed over 3000 robotic surgeries including 1100 robotic radical prostatectomies, 350 robotic Kidney transplantation.
- First in India to perform NOTES assisted Vaginal Donor Nephrectomy
- First in India to perform robotic radical nephrectomy and IVC thrombectomy
- Third person in the world to perform transvaginal assisted robotic renal transplantation
- Fourth in the world to complete 50 robotic renal transplants
- First in South India to perform robotic renal transplant
- First in Kerala to perform Single Incision Donor Nephrectomy
- First surgeon in Kerala to use da Vinci Surgery Robot (at Aster Medcity, Kochi)
- Has the second largest published series in the world on NOTES assisted vaginal donor nephrectomy
- Chandigarh best video prize USICON 2023
- Chandigarh best video prize USICON 2020
- Chandigarh best video prize USICON 2019
- Chandigarh best video prize USICON 2018
- Chandigarh best video prize USICON 2016
- Chandigarh best video prize USICON 2013
- Best video award in SZUSICON 2015, 2016 , 2019, 2021
- Best paper award Indian Journal of Urology 2013
- SS Bapat prize for the best innovation in urology in USICON 2014
Editorial Memberships
- Member of the Editorial Board of:
- International Journal of Urology and Nephrology
- Asian Network for Scientific Information
- Open Urology and Nephrology Journal
- Open Prostate Cancer Journal
Reviewer of:
- Journal of Endourology ; Journal of Urology, Urologic Oncology; European Urology; British Journal of Urology; Advances in Urology; International Journal of Urology and Nephrology; BMC Urology; International Journal of Urogynecology,; International Journal of Nephrology and Urology; Urotoday International and Urology Journal Publications
- Published 60 articles