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Ria Ross V A

Ms. Ria Ross V A

Speech Language Pathologist

Bachelor (Audiology and Speech Language Pathology)
Aster KIND
English , Malayalam

Ms. Ria Ross V A is a skilled speech-language pathologist with clinical expertise in treating children with language disorders, autism spectrum disorder, apraxia of speech, articulation and phonological disorders, as well as fluency disorders like stuttering. Passionate about apraxia of speech, she actively explores innovative approaches for effective intervention. Certified in Oral Placement Therapy (OPT Level 1), she also has experience conducting group therapies focused on enhancing socialization skills in children. Flexible and enthusiastic, she is dedicated to embracing new opportunities and working collaboratively to help children reach their full communication potential.

Area of expertise
  • Developmental language disorders
  • Childhood apraxia of speech (CAS)
  • ASD
  • Speech Sound Disorders
  • Fluency disorders

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