Dr. Piyusha Shivakumar Patil
Consultant - Paediatric Dentistry
Dr. Piyusha S Patil specializes in Pediatric Dentistry. She earned her BDS degree from Government Dental College, Bangalore in 2007, followed by an MDS in Pedodontics from the College of Dental Sciences, Davangere in 2011. Dr. Patil is a proud member of the Karnataka State Dental Council, the Indian Dental Association, and the Indian Dentist Research and Review.
- Preventive therapy for caries
- Dental trauma management
- Myofunctional appliance therapy for early correction of malaligned teeth& habits
- Special child management
- Full mouth rehabilitation under general anesthesia
- The pediatric root canal and fillings
- Myofunctional orthodontics
- Preventive and interceptive orthodontics
- Pediatric oral trauma management
- Management of individuals with special healthcare needs
- Single tooth implants
- Implant over dentures
- Preventive caries and rampant caries management
- Esthetic corrections
- Cosmetic dentistry
- Minor surgical procedures
- Nasoalveolar molding and feeding plate for cleft patients.
- Fluoride and sealants
- Diet counselling
- Sports dentistry.
- Dentofacial characteristics in William’s syndrome- a case report. (IDRR-Bengaluru 2010)
- Halitosis- prevalence and effect of three oral hygiene measures. (ISPPD- Ghaziabad 2009)
- A developing bimax dental protrusion, a case report.(IDA-Bangalore 2010)
- Mesiodens-used as an allotransplant.(ISPPD-Mangalore 2011) Posters:
- Pedo bazaar (ISPPD-Hyderabad 2008)
- Barodontalgia (IDRR- Bangalore 2009)
- Dentofacial characteristics in William’s syndrome: a case report. Contemp Clin Dent. 2012 April; 3(Suppl 1): S41-S44.
- Case report: Mesiodens used for allotransplantation. European Journal of General Dentistry, year 2013, vol 2, issue 2
- Autotransplantation of tooth in geriatric patient. European Journal of prosthodontics, 2013, vol 1, issue 3
- Prevalence of oral malodor and its relationship with oral parmeters in Indian children aged 7-15 years. Eur Arch Paediatric Dent. 2014 aug;15(4):251-8
- Effect of different oral hygiene measures on oral malodor in children aged 7-15 years. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent 2015;33:218-22