Dr. P Ranganadham
HOD & Senior Consultant – Neuro Surgery
Dr. P Ranganadham is a renowned neurosurgeon of Telangana state and has over four decades of expertise is handling the simplest to the most complicated neurosurgery case. His unwavering commitment to excellence has earned him a reputation as one of the foremost Neuro and Spine surgeons in the region. He has performed more than 20,000 surgeries till date & is a reputed neurosurgeon known for the best surgical results, Now he is practicing as HOD & Sr. Consultant- Neurosurgery at Aster Prime Hospitals. He is also an expert in intensive neuro care and post-operative care. He completed MBBS from Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh in 1980 and MCh - Neuro Surgery from All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi in 1986.
He is a Life time member NSI – Neurological society of India and Life member - AP Neuroscientists.
His expertise covers a wide range of neurosurgical procedures, and he is particularly known for his proficiency in treating conditions such as
Brain Tumours , Spine Surgeries , Spinal Cord Tumors , Head Injuries Management , Pediatric Neuro Surgery , Micro Neurosurgery , Vascular Surgery ,Aneurysm Clipping , AVM Surgery , Treatment for Syringomyelia , Trigeminal Neuralgia ( Micro Neurovascular- Decompression)
- Brain Tumours
- Spine Surgeries
- Spinal Cord Tumors
- Head Injuries Management
- Pediatric Neuro Surgery
- Micro Neurosurgery
- Vascular Surgery
- Aneurysm Clipping
- AVM Surgery
- Treatment for Syringomyelia
- Trigeminal Neuralgia ( Micro Neurovascular- Decompression)
- Vidya Siromani award on Doctor Day by Megacity Navakala Vedika, Hyderabad -2002.
- Felicitations by Kokavari Junior College staff, Kalingapatnam ,Srikakulam District
- Lions and Rotary club felicitation ar Vizianagaram, Nizamabad, Jagitiyal,
Tanuku, Amalapuram, Raichur, Gulbarga, Bidar and Bhuvneshwar
- Chief guest at MSM Medical College , Gulbarga.
- Legend in Neurosurgery Times of India - 2017
- Legend in Neurosurgery HYB1Z TV - 2022
- P.Ranganadham, I.Dinakar : Blood-fluid level in intracerebral haematoma in an infarct, American Journal of Roentgenology (USA). 152:896-897 ,1989.
- P.Ranganadham,I.Diankar,C.Sundaram, K.S.Ratnakar and T.Vivekananda.
- Posterior Mediastinal paravertebral Hydatid cyst - presenting at spinal compression - A case report. Clinical Neurology Neurosurgery (USA). 92-2, 149-151, 1990.
- P.Ranganadham,I.Dinakar,S.Mohandas,A.K.Singh: Acute spontaneoussubdural haematoma of arterial origin. British Journal of Clinical Practice(UK), 44:12, 717-719, 1990.
- P.Ranganadham,I.Dinakar, S.Mohandas and A.K.Singh: A rare presentation of Posterior communicating Artery Aneurysms. Clinical Neurology Neurosurgery (USA), 1992.
- P.Ranganadham, S.Mohandas, and I.Dinakar: lnfundibulum sign in empty sells syndrome. Neurology India. 37, 4: July 1989.
- P.Ranganadham, A.K.Mahapatra, A.K.Banerji and P.N.Tandon: Analysis of 129 cases of Aneurysm - A 10 years experience, Neurology India.
- P.Ranganadham,K.Muralidhar,S.Manimala Rao, I.Dinakar: Cardiovascular complication following Neurovascular Decompression for Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia - Case report. Clinical proceeding of NIMS, Hyderabad.3:4:177-178, 1988.
- P.Ranganadham, K.S.Varaprasad, C.Sundaram, L.T.Kishore, K.S.Ratnakarand I.Dinakar: Intramedullary Tuberculoma - Case report and review of literature. Clinical proceedings of NIMS, Hyderabad. 3:3:113-116, 1988.
- P.Ranganadham and I.Dinakar: Arachnoid cyst of the cerebral convexity in adult - case report. Clinical proceedings of NIMS, Hyderabad. 4:1:129-132, 1989.
- P.Ranganadham and I.Dinakar, J.V.S.Vidyasagar, K.Kumaresan and L.T.Kishore: Vertebral hemangioma. Clinical proceedings of NIMS,Hyderabad, 4:4:177-180, 1989.
- P.Ranganadham and I.Dinakar, S.Mohan Das and C.Sundaram: Chronic Cerebral venous infarction - A rare presentation Journal of Indian MedicalAssociation(JIMA), 89; 2:44-45, 1991.
- P.Ranganadham, P.S.Reddy and I.Dinakar: Benign Intracerebral Cyst. Neurology India.
- P.Ranganadham and I.Dinakar: Upward transtentorial herniation, Neurology India. 38,266, 1990
- P.Ranganadham, I.Dinakar, C.Sundaram and K.S.Ratnakar : Intracerebellar Schwannoma - Case report . Neurology India.
- P.Ranganadham, V.Shantaram, C.Sundaram, K.S.Ratnakar and I.Dinakar:
- Primary Aplastic Anemia - Presenting as a Brainstem SOL: Indian Journal of pathology and Microbiology, 34:3, 203-205, 1991.
- P.Ranganadham: Fungal Infections of Brian - 18 years experience - Sent to Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology.
- N.A.Mahesh Kumar, P.Ranganadham, G. Bhaskar, Roy Chowdary.A :
- "Multifocal Calvarial Cavernous Hemangioma" Report of a case and review of the Literature. Neuroradiology (Springer International)- USA, 1994.
- I.Dinakar, M.R.C.Naidu and P.Ranganadham: Dorsal Spinal Canal Stenosis. Clinical Proceedings of NIMS, Hyderabad, 3:2 63-67, 1988.
- A.K.Purohit, P.Ranganadham and S.Mohandas : Flax meningiomapresenting as Hemi arkinsonism, Neurology India, 36: 251, 1988.
- C.Sundaram, K.S.Rathankar, R.R.Rao, P.Ranganadham, K.Gayathri andI.Dinakar: Diffuse fulminant aspergillosis of the central nervous system JAPI, 37, 2:186-187 ,1989.
- R.Ramalingeswara Rao, P.Ranganadham, K.Gayathri and I.Dinakar: Culture positive Tuberculous osteitis of parietal bone - Case report, Neurology India. 37:3, 1989.
- K Purohit,AnanthaKrishan,P.Ranganadham,MRC.Naidu, K.S.Varaprasad I.Dinakar: Congenital Atlanto axial dislocation - Report of 8 case and brief review of literature. Clinical proceedings of NIMS, Hyderabad, 3; 4:151, 1988.
- AK Purohit,Anantha Krishan, P.Ranganadham, L.T.Kishore, V.Subbalaxmi Murthy and I.Dinakar: Congenital Spinal Arachnoid Cysts - a report of 6 cases and brief review of literature: Indian Journal of Radiology & Imaging. 43:4, 409-412, 1989.
- C.Sundaram, P.Ranganadham, A.Purohit and Anantha Krishan: Primary intraventricular oligodendroglioma - a report of 3 cases. Neurology India. 38:24, 1990.
- I.Dinakar, K.S.Varaprasad, P.Ranganadham : Intradural herniation of thoracic disc. Clinical proceedings of NIMS,Hyderabad, 4;1:32-33, 1989.
- J.Venkateswarulu, P.Ranganadham, S.Mohandas and I.Dinakar: Imaging of Spinal Lipomas by MRI and CT. India Journal of Radiology and Imaging.
- B.P.Sahu, P.Ranganadham, I.Dinakar and L.T.Kishore:Multiple meningiomas - Case report. Journal of Association of Physicians of India. JAPI. Vol:40, No:9, 1992.
- P.Ranganadham, S.Mohandas, A.K.Purohit, K.S.Ratnakar and 1.Dinakar: Subdural hematoma associated with fibroblastic meningioma - Case report. Neurology India. 39, -47, 1991.
- I.Dinakar and P.Ranganadham: Dural Lucent line, Neurology India,
- 41:53-54, 1993.
- Y.Venkatesh, P.Ranganadham. Neuroenteric cyst of fourth ventricle - sentto Neurology India.