Dr. Purushotham Reddy K
Consultant Surgical Oncologist
Dr. Purushotham Reddy K is a Consultant Surgical Oncologist at Aster Prime Hospital, Hyderabad. He has over 7 years of expertise in this field.
Clinical experience
Sep 2017 - PRESENT
MNJ Institute of Oncology & Regional Cancer Centre, Hyderabad - Surgical Oncologist
Done regular oncology procedures
Good experience in breast cancer surgery, gynecological oncology, head and neck oncology, GI Oncology and sarcomas.
Assisted in Advanced Laparoscopic surgeries, limb salvage surgery and pelvic exenteration.
August 2016 - August 2017
ACSR Government Medical College, Nellore - Senior Resident
3 Paper Presentations in National Oncology conferences and multiple poster presentations
- Head and Neck oncology
- Breast cancer surgery
- Thoracic and Esophageal Surgery
- Gastrointestinal Oncosurgery
- Gynecological Oncology
- Other surgical procedures
Research Interests
- Gastrointestinal cancers