Dr. Mallikarjun R Patil
Consultant - Medical Genetics & Personalized Medicine
Dr.Mallikarjun Patil is a senior consultant in Medical Genetics and Personalized medicine working at Aster Hospitals in Bangalore with the goal to provide highest quality care with great precision to all the patients having genetic disorders. He has rich experience of more than 18 years in the field of Pediatrics and more than 5 years in the field of Human Genomics and Personalized Medicine.
He completed his Diploma in Child Health (DCH), and MD (Pediatrics) under RGUHS, Karnataka. He completed his super speciality degree in Medical Genetics - Doctorate of National Board (DrNB) from National Board of Examinations (NBE-Delhi). He worked and accumulated rich experience from various institutions from India like Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences and Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics (CDFD), Hyderabad. He also did fellowship in Paediatric Critical care from AJIMS, Mangalore. He worked as Associate professor in the department of Pediatrics at BGS-Global Institute of Medical Sciences and as a Consultant Medical Geneticist at various hospitals in Bangalore.
- Clinical Genetics
- Dymorphology
- Metabolic Genetics & IEM’s
- Storage Disorders
- Neurogenetics and Neuro developmental disorders
- Skeletal dysplasias & Short stature
- Prenatal and developmental genetics
- Thalassemia and other Hereditary
- Haemolytic anemias
- Genodermatosis
- Fetal Autopsy for
- Genetic Disorders Genetic Counseling- Preconceptional Counseling, Genetic disorders
- Molecular Genetics
Apart from this he is also trained in Cytogenetics and Molecular genetics from CDFD, Hyderabad. Now he also is associated with Med genome Genetic Lab, Bangalore as a Senior Clinical Geneticist. He attended several National conferences as a Faculty.