How long does it take to recover from neurosurgery?
The recovery period usually depends on the type of surgery one has undergone. Many people feeld tired for several weeks after undergoing a neurosurgery and suffer from headaches, facing difficulty in concentration. It usually takes up to 4 to 8 weeks to recover from a surgery and your incisions may be sore for about 5 days after surgery.
What are the different types of surgeries performed by neurosurgeons?
Some of the procedures performed by neurosurgeons include - Microvascular decompression Peripheral nerve surgery Brain tumour excision Functional neurosurgery Pituitary surgery Cervical spine surgery.
What is neurosurgery?
Neurosurgery is a branch of medicine that deals with surgeries related to the nervous system. The doctors who specialize in this field are known as neurosurgeons. These specialist diagnose and surgically treat conditions of the brain and spine and also provide expertise in - General neurosurgery Brain tumour surgery Complex spine disorders Stereotactic radiosurgery Vascular diseases.
What is neuroscience?
Neurosciences is a scientific study of the nervous system. This is a multidisciplinary branch that deals with the cellular, functional, behavioral, evolutionary, computational, molecular, and medical aspects of the nervous system. Neurosciences also focuses on the human brain and analyzes how it regulates our body and our behavior.