What is the role of a paediatric oncologist in a patient's treatment journey?
Paediatric oncologists always play a vital role throughout the patient’s treatment. They closely monitor patients' conditions, assess vital health signals like heartbeats, body temperature, and pulse rate, and modify treatment if any side-effect is detected. They also collaborate with other doctors during the treatment for better outcomes.
How should I prepare for my first visit to a paediatric oncologist?
To prepare for your first visit to a paediatric oncologist, you can gather all the relevant documents regarding your child’s treatment and medical reports. Moreover, you can list down important questions regarding critical health diseases to know more about core problems.
When should I consider seeing a paediatric oncologist?
If your children experience issues like memory loss, unexplained bleeding, nerve breakdown, loss of appetite, pale skin, frequently occurring fever, and poor mental or physical growth, you should see a paediatric oncologist. Our paediatric oncologist in Calicut at Aster MIMS can explain these conditions in more detail.
What documents should I carry on my first visit to a paediatric oncologist?
Certain documents you need to carry during your first visit to a paediatric oncologist include physical checkups, blood test reports, past treatment records, and ongoing prescriptions. Our paediatric oncologist offers quality assistance during the visit and treatment preparations.
What are the most common types of conditions that paediatric oncologists treat?
A paediatric oncologist treats several common conditions, such as blood and bone tumours, bone marrow diseases, loss of hunger, vision problems, frequent fainting, irregular physical growth, anaemia, and cancers. Our paediatric oncologist in Calicut provides complete medical support for these conditions.
What advancements or technologies are utilised by paediatric oncologists?
Several advancements are utilised by paediatric oncologists, such as biopsy tools, laparoscopes, stethoscopes, opthalometers, digital BP monitors, infusion pumps, CT scanners, X-ray machines, ultrasound devices, and MRI scanners. Our paediatric oncologists in access the latest technologies for quality treatments.
What question should you ask a paediatric oncologist?
You can ask several questions to a paediatric oncologist, such as what problems they diagnose and treat, how they prepare for surgery, what conditions they examine during emergencies, how long they have been practising, and whether they provide medical support for recovery.
How does a paediatric oncologist decide on a treatment plan?
Paediatric oncologists first analyse the patient’s conditions through various tests, monitor core symptoms, and then prepare a personalised treatment plan. They work closely with children to understand their conditions before deciding on treatments. Our paediatric oncologist follows this approach to develop effective solutions.
What does a paediatric oncologist do?
Paediatric oncologists offer effective treatments to children suffering from brain tumours or cancers. They implement core diagnostic methods to track symptoms and propose necessary medical support. They also collaborate with other doctors to analyse the children's conditions and prepare treatment plans.
Why should I come to Aster MIMS hospital for Paediatric treatment?
Aster MIMS Hospital has a wide range of paediatric services and treatments that are available under one roof. We believe that children deserve to be treated with understanding and care and to receive the highest quality health care. Aster Mims is specifically designed to take care of the whole child through a family-centred approach to medicine.