When should I see a pulmonary specialist?
Chronic cough for more than 2 weeks or frequent episodes of cough for months/years.
Allergy not under control i.e. frequent requirement of syrup or oral medications and little change in the environment causing trouble.
Presence of Blood in the sputum (phlegm).
Unexplained weight loss associated with cough.
Overweight/obese with excessive daytime sleepiness/irritations.
Localized Chest pain increasing with deep breathing.
Difficulty in breathing (Breathlessness) on exertion or on routine activities.
Unexplained fever (fever of unknown origin).
History of smoking.
To rule out occupational lung disease.
A child having respiratory problems, not responding to routine symptomatic treatment.
Screening at-risk individuals (employee working in industries).
Contact history with tuberculosis patient in the household (contact) to rule outspread of the disease.
What are the early signs of lung disease?
Unproportionate breathlessness i.e. difficulty breathing even for routine daily activities.
Cough not responding to homemade therapies/ OTC drugs.
Hoarseness of voice.
Early Morning bringing out more quantity of expectoration/phlegm/sputum.
How does lung cancer feel?
There are no specific symptoms and signs suggestive of lung cancer it may be asymptomatic (no symptoms) to severely decreased lung functions or symptoms (breathlessness/hemoptysis/chest pain/weight loss).
How do I know if I have damaged my lungs?
Lung damage can be assessed Screening by PFT/spirometry (lung function) and HRCT CHEST.
Does lung cancer spread quickly?
Depends upon the type of tumor and most of them will present at an advanced stage. To detect early cancer screening essentially, especially for high-risk persons (smokers/ exposure of occupational hazards/family history of cancer).
When should I consult a Urologist?
Have blood in your urine (Hematuria).
Experience consistent pain or burning while urinating, which could indicate a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI).
Have a frequent need to urinate or have difficulty urinating.
Experience incontinence.
Have frequent UTIs.
Have severe constipation.
Conditions exclusive to men include problems with getting or keeping an erection; anything related to fertility; an elevation or change in your prostate-specific antigen (PSA); an abnormal prostate exam or a testicular mass or persistent pain. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among American men, yet in its early stages, prostate cancer often has no symptoms.
Women experience urological problems differently, such as urinary incontinence and urinary tract infections. They also may have a urinary fistula, pelvic organ prolapse, and voiding dysfunction.
What type of procedure does a Urologist perform?
When you visit a urologist, they’ll start by doing one or more of these tests to find out what condition you have:
Imaging tests, such as a CT Scan, MRI Scan, or Ultrasound, allow them to see inside your urinary tract.
They can order a cystogram, which involves taking x-ray images of your bladder.
Your urologist can perform a Cystoscopy. This involves using a thin scope called a cystoscope to see the inside of your urethra and bladder.
They can perform a post-void residual urine test to find out how fast urine leaves your body during urination. It also shows how much urine is left in your bladder after you urinate.
They can use a urine sample to check your urine for bacteria that cause infections.
They can perform urodynamic testing to measure the pressure and volume inside your bladder.
Urologists are also trained to perform different types of surgery. This may include performing:
Biopsies of the bladder, kidneys, or prostate.
A cystectomy, which involves removing the bladder, to treat cancer.
Extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy, which involves breaking up kidney stones so they can remove them more easily.
A kidney transplant, which involves replacing a diseased kidney with a healthy one.
A procedure to open a blockage.
A repair of damage due to injury.
A repair of urinary organs that aren’t well-formed.
A prostatectomy, which involves removing all or part of the prostate gland to treat prostate cancer.
A sling procedure, which involves using strips of mesh to support the urethra and keep it closed to treat urinary incontinence.
Transurethral resection of the prostate, which involves removing excess tissue from an enlarged prostate.
Transurethral needle ablation of the prostate, which involves removing excess tissue from an enlarged prostate.
A ureteroscopy, which involves using a scope to remove stones in the kidneys and ureter.
A vasectomy to prevent pregnancy, which involves cutting and tying the vas deferens or the tube sperm travel through to produce semen.
How long Does it take to heal from Cystoscopy?
These symptoms should get better in 1 or 2 days. You will be able to go back to work for usual activities in 1 or 2 days
What will a urologist do on the first visit?
They take your history and examine you. They also suggest few investigations as required.
Is Neurological disorder curable?
Most of the neurological disorders are curable.