How do you test for an allergy?
Allergy is tested by taking a blood sample from the patient for absolute eosinophil count and immunoglobin E or total allergy panel and intradermal pinprick test.
When should one consult a dermatologist?
If a person notices any change in colour or texture of the skin or anything which cause pain, itching or discomfort in any way he or she should consult a dermatologist.
What to do if someone is having a stroke?
Recognizing stroke is very important, this is how you do prehospital stroke recognition.
Face drooping - Ask the person to smile, and see if one side is drooping. One side of the face may also be numb, and the smile may appear uneven.
Arm weakness - Ask the person to raise both arms. One can know if there is a weakness or numbness in one hand.
Speech difficulty - People having a stroke may slur their speech or have trouble speaking at all. Speech may be incomprehensible. Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence and look for any speech abnormality.
Time to call 108 - If a person shows any of the symptoms above, even if the symptoms went away, call 108 and get the person to a hospital immediately.
What is the first-line management for Anaphylaxis?
Anaphylaxis is one of the most common allergic reaction, if not treated in time it may be fatal. Anaphylaxis is an acute, potentially fatal, multiorgan system reaction caused by the release of chemical mediators from mast cells and basophils. The classic form involves prior sensitization to an allergen with later reexposure, producing symptoms via an immunologic mechanism. Initially, patients often experience pruritus and flushing. Other symptoms can evolve rapidly, such as the following:
Dermatologic/ocular: Flushing, urticaria, angioedema, cutaneous and/or conjunctival injection or pruritus, warmth, and swelling
Respiratory: Nasal congestion, coryza, rhinorrhea, sneezing, throat tightness, wheezing, shortness of breath, cough, hoarseness, dyspnea
Cardiovascular: Dizziness, weakness, syncope, chest pain, palpitations
Gastrointestinal: Dysphagia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, bloating, cramps
Neurologic: Headache, dizziness, blurred vision, and seizure (very rare and often associated with hypotension)
Other: Metallic taste, the feeling of impending doom
As any case anaphylaxis please rush to the nearest emergency as early as possible
What is the emergency and first aid management for cardiac arrest
CPR ( Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) is only first aid management for cardiac arrest. But how to diagnose cardiac arrest is the question, for that person should know BLS ( Basic life support ), if you are certified with BLS u can provide first aid management for cardiac arrest. You can contact our emergency coordinator about the BLS details.
How do Doctors treat Drug Overdose?
If any patients land up in ER with H/o Drug overdose, we will then check the patient vitals and presenting condition of patient, if patient is hemodynamically unstable & needs emergency resuscitation then it will be done & if the specific drug has any antidote, it will be given as early as possible & if there is no antidote then patient will be treated symptomatically.
Which are the most common medical emergencies?
Myocardial infarction
Hypertensive emergencies
Heart failure
Pulmonary thromboembolism
What is the process of booking appointments?
Our International Patient Coordinator will liaise between you and the hospital. He will arrange your appointments as well as coordinate for various services like the outpatient clinic, laboratory, and pathology, medical imaging, and in-patient surgical procedures, etc.
Can I get an estimate for my treatment?
You can get an estimate for our International Patient Coordinator.
The patient coordinator will help you with financial details before, during and after the visit. Services offered usually include providing deposit and payment information, estimates and price updates for medical services, and communication with medical insurance companies or third parties on behalf of a patient.