What type of support services do you offer in the NICU and the hospital for parents?
Our NICU is the state of art level IV NICU facility with a good patient-to-nurse ratio and a highly skilled specialist available around the clock offering the highest standards of neonatal care. Our NICU is equipped with advanced neonatal incubators, including transport incubators, invasive and non-invasive ventilators, high-frequency ventilators, transport ventilators, LED, phototherapy units, multiple monitors, invasive blood pressure monitors.
The concept of keeping baby and mother together has been well established, and we try to maintain the same. Exclusive breastfeeding from birth and frequent lactation counselling to ensure adequate and fruitful lactation are emphasised to all mothers.
We treat all the complicated cases like severe RDS, congenital pneumonia, birth asphyxia requiring ventilation and therapeutic hypothermia, PPHN, congenital heart disease and other surgical emergencies, neonatal injuries, haematological and metabolic conditions, case of extremely premature and extremely LBW babies, NNT requiring IV immunoglobulin’s or exchange transfusion central lines, umbilical catheter ICD tubes, PD catheters are well placed.
All the preterm babies and sick babies are exposed to early intervention programs right from NICU, and we understand that optimum development occurs only with psychological well being. We provide kangaroo mother care and family-centred care as a part of a comprehensive approach to preterm care.
Our department works in conjunction with various sub-specialities to provide multidisciplinary and comprehensive services.
Vaccinations are initiated in the hospital and followed up in our immunisation clinic.
Follow up care of preterm and high-risk babies is provided at over high-risk clinics with developmental assessment and educating need for ROP screening, BERA, regular physical therapy.
We provide antenatal counselling, genetic counselling apart from adequate support for parents.
What equipment is used in NICU?
Our NICU is the state of art level IV NICU facility with a good patient-to-nurse ratio and a highly skilled specialist available around the clock offering the highest standards of neonatal care. Our NICU is equipped with advanced neonatal incubators, including transport incubators, invasive and noninvasive ventilators, high-frequency ventilators, transport ventilators, LED, phototherapy units, multiple monitors, invasive blood pressure monitors.
The concept of keeping baby and mother together has been well established, and we try to maintain the same. Exclusive breastfeeding from birth and frequent lactation counselling to ensure adequate and fruitful lactation are emphasised to all mothers.
We treat all the complicated cases like severe RDS, congenital pneumonia, birth asphyxia requiring ventilation and therapeutic hypothermia, PPHN, congenital heart disease and other surgical emergencies, neonatal injuries, haematological and metabolic conditions, case of extremely premature and extremely LBW babies, NNT requiring IV immunoglobulin’s or exchange transfusion central lines, umbilical catheter ICD tubes, PD catheters are well placed.
All the preterm babies and sick babies are exposed to early intervention programs right from NICU, and we understand that optimum development occurs only with psychological well being. We provide kangaroo mother care and family-centred care as a part of a comprehensive approach to preterm care.
Our department works in conjunction with various sub-specialities to provide multidisciplinary and comprehensive services.
Vaccinations are initiated in the hospital and followed up in our immunisation clinic.
Follow up care of preterm and high-risk babies is provided at over high-risk clinics with developmental assessment and educating need for ROP screening, BERA, regular physical therapy.
We provide antenatal counselling, genetic counselling apart from adequate support for parents.
What is the difference between neonatologists and pediatricians?
The paediatrician is a physician who is specially trained in concerned with the health, nutrition, welfare, development, and diseases of children, adolescents, and young adults.
A neonatologist is a physician practicing neonatology who initially receives training as a pediatrician and then completes additional training in neonatology.
What are paediatrics and neonatology?
Paediatrics is the speciality of medical science dealing with the physical, mental and social health of infants, children and adolescents from birth to young adulthood (up to 18yrs of age).
Neonatology is the sub-speciality of paediatrics that consists of newborn infants’ medical care, especially the ill or premature newborn.