Which is the most serious Heart surgery?
All Heart surgeries are considered to be serious.
How many hours does open-heart surgery take?
Surgical time varies depending on the type of surgery and diseased condition of your heart. Usually, the Average heart surgery lasts for 4-6 hours.
How long will I stay in the hospital for heart surgery?
Usually, straightforward cardiac surgery recovered patients will be discharged on the 5th day of surgery.
What can I do or cannot do after surgery?
Avoid weight lifting and driving for three months.
How will my pain be managed?
You will be given pain killer intravenously (IV) in the postoperative period, which reduces your pain to a negligible level.
How long will my surgery take?
Surgical time varies depending upon the type of surgery and diseased condition of your heart. Usually, the average heart surgery lasts for 4-6 hours.
What should I do on the day of my surgery?
Get up in the morning with a positive mind. You are not allowed to take anything by mouth.
What will happen during the surgery?
You will be under the effect of Anesthesia, totally in an unconscious state, you won’t feel pain, and you won’t even know that the surgery has been done.
Which drug is kept in the emergency kit of the physician?
Helper kit will be available all the time with ER physician.
It contains all the necessary drugs and equipment needed to revitalize and treat the most common medical emergencies. AMBU BAG WITH MASK, RESERVOIR LARYNGOSCOPE WITH BLADES BOUGIE STYLET O2 MASK ADULT LARYNGEAL MASK SIZE-3 INJ. ATROPINE INJ.ADRENALINE INJ.NORADRENALINE INJ.MIDAZOLAM 10 MG INJ. ROCURONIUM 50 MG FACE MASK INJ. POTASSIUM CHLORIDE INJ. CALCIUM GLUCONATE INJ. AMIODARONE 150 MG INJ. SOIDUM BICARBONATE 25 ML INJ. DOBUTAMINE 250 MG Cannula No -18 cannula No -20 PMO line I.V SET (MACRO) 3-WAY 10CM SURGICAL GLOVES 7.5 Airway no - 1 Airway no - 2 Airway no - 3 Airway no - 4 Disposable syringes - 2CC Disposable syringes - 5CC Disposable syringes - 10CC Disposable syringes - 50.CC Suction catheter no -6 Suction catheter no -8 Suction catheter no -10 Suction catheter no -12 Suction catheter no E-14 VACUUM SET NS-500ML 25% DEXTROSE EASY FIX E.T Tube no 3 E.T Tube no 3.5 E.T Tube no 4 E.T Tube no 4.5 E.T Tube no 5 E.T Tube no 5.5 E.T Tube no 6 E.T Tube no 6.5 E.T Tube no 7 E.T Tube no 7.5 E.T Tube no 8 E.T Tube no 8.5 ET DYNO PLASTER RYLE’S TUBE NO 14 RYLE’S TUBE NO 16
Is emergency medicine a good lifestyle?
Emergency physician and emergency medicine is a unique branch among other specialties. It is a very challenging branch and fast-growing branch. The physician needs to be very active in decision making, having knowledge on all other specialty branches to treat acute emergencies and tackle the stress associated with managing sick patients.ER physicians should have good leadership, clinical and administrative skills. Having multiple roles and responsibilities with leadership qualities working in EMERGENCY MEDICINE is a good lifestyle and passion in working.