How can urinary incontinence be managed?
Essentially managed by urologists who are surgeons to the kidneys and genitourinary tract, incontinence can be managed alternatively with certain drugs and neurosurgical procedures where necessary.
What is end-stage renal disease?
ESRD is a stage in the progression of chronic kidney disease, and the kidneys are no longer capable of carrying out their function to maintain the milieu interior. Renal replacement therapy (regular dialysis and transplantation) is the only option to preserve life.
What should be the lifestyle to avoid kidney problems?
A balanced diet, no smoking, abstinence or modest alcohol consumption, adequate fluid intake depending on ambient weather conditions, salt restriction in diet, good glycemic control in diabetes and optimal control of BP in hypertension, regular exercise to avoid obesity are some of the measures to avoid kidney problems.
Can kidney failure be controlled?
Kidney failure can be controlled, and its progression can be slowed done for a period with good conservative measures for chronic kidney disease. However, the final outcome is almost always ending stage renal disease (ESRD) requiring renal replacement therapy (RRT). Early detection of diabetic kidney disease at the stage of microalbuminuria can be reversed with diligent treatment and regular follow-up.
When is dialysis required?
Dialysis is required once the cumulative GFR falls below 15ml/min/1.73 sq meter BSA. Emergency dialysis may be required for uremic complications of Hyperkalemia Severe metabolic acidosis Fluid overload with pulmonary edema Uremic pericarditis Uremic encephalopathy
Can something be done to prevent the recurrence of stones?
Relevant dietary advice, including liberal fluid intake, can mitigate the recurrence of renal stones to a considerable extent.
Is there surgery required for the removal of stones?
In modern management of renal stone disease, open laparotomy is seldom required as urolithiasis (kidney/ureter/bladder stones) can be dealt with endoscopically.
How to prevent serious asthma attacks?
Use your inhalers regularly as per your prescription Avoid triggering factors like exposure to dust, pollen etc. Discuss with your pulmonologist about Asthma action plan Don`t miss your annual FLU vaccination Do regular exercise, yoga and meditation Take seasonal fruits, avoid junk food
How long does it take to receive test results?
Though most tests are completed and reported within about 24 hours of receiving the sample for testing, certain tests like biopsies and cultures take longer because of the manual nature of the procedures.
How to book an appointment for home blood collection?
You can speak to home care department to book an appointment. The Phlebotomist will visit your home at the time specified by you to collect the sample. Hard copy of reports will be sent to you in person along with a copy sent to your mail id and mobile.