Which drug is kept in the emergency kit of the physician?
Helper kit will be available all the time with ER physician.
It contains all the necessary drugs and equipment needed to revitalize and treat the most common medical emergencies. AMBU BAG WITH MASK, RESERVOIR LARYNGOSCOPE WITH BLADES BOUGIE STYLET O2 MASK ADULT LARYNGEAL MASK SIZE-3 INJ. ATROPINE INJ.ADRENALINE INJ.NORADRENALINE INJ.MIDAZOLAM 10 MG INJ. ROCURONIUM 50 MG FACE MASK INJ. POTASSIUM CHLORIDE INJ. CALCIUM GLUCONATE INJ. AMIODARONE 150 MG INJ. SOIDUM BICARBONATE 25 ML INJ. DOBUTAMINE 250 MG Cannula No -18 cannula No -20 PMO line I.V SET (MACRO) 3-WAY 10CM SURGICAL GLOVES 7.5 Airway no - 1 Airway no - 2 Airway no - 3 Airway no - 4 Disposable syringes - 2CC Disposable syringes - 5CC Disposable syringes - 10CC Disposable syringes - 50.CC Suction catheter no -6 Suction catheter no -8 Suction catheter no -10 Suction catheter no -12 Suction catheter no E-14 VACUUM SET NS-500ML 25% DEXTROSE EASY FIX E.T Tube no 3 E.T Tube no 3.5 E.T Tube no 4 E.T Tube no 4.5 E.T Tube no 5 E.T Tube no 5.5 E.T Tube no 6 E.T Tube no 6.5 E.T Tube no 7 E.T Tube no 7.5 E.T Tube no 8 E.T Tube no 8.5 ET DYNO PLASTER RYLE’S TUBE NO 14 RYLE’S TUBE NO 16
Is emergency medicine a good lifestyle?
Emergency physician and emergency medicine is a unique branch among other specialties. It is a very challenging branch and fast-growing branch. The physician needs to be very active in decision making, having knowledge on all other specialty branches to treat acute emergencies and tackle the stress associated with managing sick patients.ER physicians should have good leadership, clinical and administrative skills. Having multiple roles and responsibilities with leadership qualities working in EMERGENCY MEDICINE is a good lifestyle and passion in working.
Do emergency medicine physicians perform surgery?
Physicians perform minor surgical procedures like suturing lacerations, incisions and drainage of abscess, intercostal chest tube drainage insertion, pleural fluid, and ascitic fluid tapping.
Surgeons will perform complex laceration repair and major surgeries.
What are the important emergency drugs?
In an emergency, we keep all necessary medications to treat all kinds of emergency patients: Inj. Adenosine Inj. Adrenaline Inj. Amiodarone Inj. Atropine Inj. Calcium gluconate Inj. Dopamine Inj. hydrocortisone Inj. Loxicard(2%) Inj. Phenytoin Inj. Sodium bicarbonate (25 ml) Inj. Midazolam Inj. nor adrenaline Inj. Pheniramine Inj. Magnesium sulfate
What should I do if I think I might be having a stroke?
Stroke is an acute neurological emergency. It needs to be treated as early as possible. Every minute delay in initiating therapy, 1.9 billion neurons die in each minute.
Stroke is identified by sudden onset of one-sided weakness /deviation of the mouth and abnormal speech .sudden onset of blurring of vision/headache/speech abnormality or any new neurological dysfunction to be considered a stroke of vascular origin unless otherwise proved. As soon as you experienced the above stroke symptoms, immediately call to nearest stroke center hospital. Stroke is two types ischemic and hemorrhagic. It should be diagnosed by doing a brain ct scan.
If it is an ischemic stroke with symptoms started within 4.5 hours and the patient is a candidate for iv thrombolysis, he will be treated with injection alteplase ASAP within 60 mins of patient arrival to ER
we provide 24/7 telemedicine support and ambulance care to patients with stroke symptoms to reach the hospital to treat early and to avoid delays
What should I do if I am having chest pain?
If you are experiencing chest pain, immediately take a rest, avoid doing further strenuous work, and don’t panic. If a sublingual nitroglycerin tablet and chewable aspirin tablet are available, take them as soon as possible. Call the nearest hospital or local health ambulance contact number. We Ramesh hospital provide 24/7 hours telemedicine support and care and ambulance care to patients with chest pain. Our goal is to treat all patients with chest pain s/o Acute coronary syndromes should get treated ASAP with revascularisation therapy, either iv thrombolysis /percutaneous coronary intervention to reduce mortality and morbidity.
Should I go to the emergency room or urgent care?
In ER, we will follow strict triaging of patients. Triage means sorting patients based on their needs and available resources. We follow 5 levels triaging system
ESI TRIAGE. By triaging, the right patient will get treated at the right time.
Level 1: Resuscitation situations like cardiac arrest /respiratory failure /shock /unresponsive patient - BLUE to be seen immediately 0 mins
Level 2: Emergent situations not immediately life-threatening but may become life-threatening if not treated early -RED to be seen within 15 mins
Level 3: Urgent -stable patients needing multiple resources like labs/ECG/radiology services/nebulization/er procedures-YELLOW to be seen within 30 mins
Level 4: Less urgent needing single resource -GREEN -seen within 60 mins
Level 5: Non-urgent needing no resource utilization -WHITE to be seen up to 120 mins
Based on the patient's presentation to ED, we will triage and treat the patient within the stipulated time.
Are visitors allowed in the treatment area?
We usually do not allow visitors to enter the treatment area due to the risk of cross-contamination to other patients and the risk of getting the infection. In the current covid 19 scenarios, we are following strict patient isolation policies without allowing visitors. Timely updates about the patient's condition and audio video counseling will be given to visitors. In some special situations like resuscitating cardiac arrest patients, especially in children, we will allow patient attendants(mother ) to be with a resuscitating team.
What are the most common medical emergencies?
Is dialysis the only option if I develop ESRD?
Unless renal transplant is envisaged and planned patient has to be on maintenance dialysis either or hemodialysis.