How long does it take to receive test results?
Though most tests are completed and reported within about 24 hours of receiving the sample for testing, certain tests like biopsies and cultures take longer because of the manual nature of the procedures.
How to book an appointment for home blood collection?
You can speak to home care department to book an appointment. The Phlebotomist will visit your home at the time specified by you to collect the sample. Hard copy of reports will be sent to you in person along with a copy sent to your mail id and mobile.
What are symptoms of asthma?
Asthma can present with episodic cough, wheeze, and chest tightness. It can be associated with nasal allergy symptoms such as running nose, sneezing episodes.
I have Asthma. Do I need to use tablets or inhalers?
Depending on severity and level of control of Asthma, various medications will be prescribed including tablets, inhalers and nebulizations.
Are inhalers addictive?
No. Inhalers are safe to use in children and adults with Asthma. They control Asthma and prevent serious Asthma attacks so that they can lead a normal healthy life.
Do I need to fast before tested?
A few blood tests do require fasting prior to having your blood drawn. Please contact your healthcare provider / our diagnostic centre to understand the requirements of specific testing.
Can Asthma be life threatening?
Yes. Especially if asthma is not well controlled, it can be life threatening. Patients with certain types of asthma may develop severe symptoms in a short duration of time. We need to be extra cautious with such patients.
Do you offer general health check-up?
We offer comprehensive preventive health checks for all your family members including children.
Will we be billed if I cancel the request?
There will be no charge if an appointment has to be cancelled/reschedule.
How should one collect urine sample?
Urine sample should always be collected in the sterile clean container. Before collecting the sample, the patient has to clean the surrounding area (genitals). While passing the urine patient should discard the first part of the urine and collect the ensuing part. This sample is also called as Mid-stream urine sample. The container should be labelled properly and the cap tightly screwed to avoid leakage of the sample.