What is epilepsy surgery and when is it recommended?
In 20-30% of patients diagnosed to be having epilepsy, drugs cannot control epilepsy. Most of the time, these patients have something visibly abnormal in their brain. So, if we can surgically remove the abnormality which is visible on MRI brain, we can practically cure epilepsy and improve the quality of life of the person affected with epilepsy.
What are the investigations required for a patient with drug-resistant epilepsy?
Basic tests include Video EEG, 3 Tesla MRI epilepsy protocol and Neuropsychological assessment. Additional tests needed may be PET scan, SPECT scan, functional MRI, WADA.
What is the incidence of epilepsy and drug-resistant epilepsy?
There are 70 million persons with epilepsy (PWE) worldwide, nearly 12 million PWE are expected to reside in India, which contributes to nearly one-sixth of the global burden. One million Indians have medically refractory seizures. An approximate 5 -6 lakh people are candidates for epilepsy surgery in India.
What is drug-resistant epilepsy/ intractable seizures?
It is defined as the failure of enough trials of two tolerated, properly chosen and used antiepileptic drug schedules (whether as monotherapies or in combination) to achieve sustained seizure freedom.
What is Epileptology and what is the role of epileptologist?
Epileptology is a subspecialty of Neurology, focussing on evaluation and management of difficult to treat or complex epilepsy cases where seizures were not controlled despite starting anti-epileptic medications prescribed by a physician, paediatrician, or Neurologist.
Epileptologist is trained in detailed evaluation and management of complex paediatric as well as adult epilepsy cases and plays the key role in precisely finding out whether there is an epileptogenic focus in the brain which can be surgically removed to permanently cure epilepsy.
How can I prevent epilepsy?
Sometimes we can prevent epilepsy. The most common ways to reduce your risk of developing epilepsy are: Have a healthy pregnancy. Some problems during pregnancy and childbirth may lead to epilepsy. Follow a prenatal care plan with your healthcare provider to keep you and your baby healthy. Prevent head injuries Lower the chances of stroke and heart disease. Be up to date on your vaccinations. Wash your hands and prepare food safely to prevent worm infections such as cysticercosis
What can I do to manage my epilepsy?
Self-management is what one should do to take care of self. You can learn how to manage seizures and keep an active and full life. Begin with these tips: Take your medicine. Discuss with your doctor or nurse when you have questions. Recognize seizure triggers (such as flashing or bright lights). Keep a record of your seizures. Get enough sleep. Lower stress.
Will I need to take anti-epileptic medications after surgery?
We recommend continuing the medication for at least two years, after which medications can be reduced and even stopped in certain cases where the seizures are well controlled.
What are complications with epilepsy surgery?
Epilepsy surgery is a carefully planned procedure, carried out under optimal circumstances to remove the region of brain causing the seizures, and to spare parts of the brain necessary for everyday functions.
Complications are very infrequent in epilepsy surgery, major complications like motor deficits, language deficits, vegetative states and disabilities are seen in 3-5% of cases. Other treatable complications like infections, prolonged hospitalizations, transient deficits, speech problems, mood problems, visual field deficits are common and do not alter the normal daily life. Overall, epilepsy surgery is safe surgery, and it improves quality of life of many patients and their care takers significantly.
What are the chances of improvement after epilepsy surgery?
Chances of seizure control depend on many variables and varies between 50-90%. If MRI shows some lesion which could be completely removed, then 9 out of 10 people can achieve seizure freedom and almost 6 out of 10 patients can be off medicine. However, outcome is in the magnitude of 50% with palliative surgeries. Outcome typically depends on the responsible pathology.