Can my newborn baby be suffering from pulmonary disease?
A newborn baby may have Newborn respiratory distress syndrome if the lungs are not fully developed and are not providing enough oxygen, which may cause breathing difficulty. This condition has been usually observed in newborn babies.
Is asthma in children allergic?
Asthma is not allergic but children having allergies or having a family history of allergies are more susceptible to asthma. If a child having asthma also have allergies it can worsen the symptoms of asthma
Can respiratory diseases be allergic?
Yes, respiratory diseases can be allergic and affect breathing in children. If, the child is creating a wheezing sound while breathing or if there is rapid breathing or shortness of breath it might be a sign of allergic respiratory infection. A dry cough with clear mucus also indicates that it can be an allergy.
What common clinical tests would the doctor suggest if my child is suffering from pulmonary disease?
The doctor might suggest following tests for your child depending upon the symptoms Flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy X-ray Pulmonary function testing Sweat chloride test Bronchoalveolar lavage Laryngoscopy Skin prick test
What are the common pulmonary/ lung diseases in children?
Chronic cough Wheezing Pneumonia Exercise limitation Asthma Cystic fibrosis Lung diseases in infants include chronic lung diseases like bronchopulmonary dysplasia.
What are the signs that my child is suffering from pulmonary disease?
Difficulty in breathing Shortness of breath A cough that is persisting for long Mucus or blood in cough Pain and discomfort while breathing
If I visit the pediatric pulmonology center at Aster, I can get treatment for which pulmonology diseases for my child.
Our team manages, acute and long-term respiratory conditions through our evidence-based and latest treatments. Our pulmonologists specialize in Bronchiectasis, Cystic fibrosis, Primary ciliary dyskinesias, Immunodeficiencies We conduct dedicated bimonthly state-of-the-art multidisciplinary clinics gathering all specialties under one roof and providing support groups
What services does the pulmonology department of Aster Women and Children Hospital provide?
Aster Women and Children Hospital’s dedicated Centre for Pediatric Pulmonology is one of the best pulmonology departments which combines expertise with the latest technological developments to offer the best clinical and interventional services in pediatric pulmonology and sleep medicine. The department is specialized with special emphasis on Asthma, respiratory clinic, and allergy testing in the pediatric population. Our pediatric pulmonologists excel in interventional pulmonology treating complex advanced lung diseases, congenital lung malformations, Pediatric airway stenting, Foreign body removal, and pediatric and neonatal bronchoscopic procedures. At our center, we follow international treatment protocols to ensure optimal evidence-based care at all times and offer best-in-class healthcare services for pediatric care.
Who is a pediatric pulmonologist?
A pediatric pulmonologist is an experienced and qualified doctor who has expertise in diagnosing, treating, and managing from newborn to 18 years old for breathing and lung diseases.
What is the most common pulmonology disease seen in Children?
Bronchitis is the most common lung disease seen in children. It is a viral infection, in which the large breathing tubes that open into the lungs get swollen and red. This causes breathing issues and irritation in these tubes called bronchial tubes because of too much mucus created by the linings.