Why Fiber is important?
Dietary Fiber plays a major role in one’s diet . Fiber stays in digestive track for a longer time & feels full. It gives satiety & reduce appetite, so helps to prevent constipation, helps to reduce weight & maintain other lifestyle related disorders.
What is a balanced diet?
A diet of a variety of different types of foods and providing adequate amounts of the nutrients necessary for good health. It consists of carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins & minerals.
Nutrition tips for kids?
Nowadays constipation, flu cold, gastritis, obesity is common in kids, To prevent these lifestyle disorders kids need to include Fiber in the diet include protein to boost immunity maintaining time & avoid outside food.
When to visit Nutritionist?
Anyone can visit a nutritionist at any point of time for lifestyle modifications, dietary plans of for lifestyle modifications, dietary plans of for any therapeutic diet i.e. diabetic diet, renal diet weight loss diet etc.
What are the good sources of Protein?
There are 2 types of Protein sources available. Non- vegetarian can choose children, fish, Egg.