What is the importance of early intervention in pediatric cardiac care?
Early intervention in pediatric cardiac care is crucial because it can lead to better outcomes. Early intervention can minimize long-term damage to the heart and prevent developmental delays. It can also reduce the risk of serious complications and improve the child's overall health and well-being.
Are there non-surgical treatments for pediatric heart conditions?
Yes, there are several non-surgical treatments available for many pediatric heart conditions. Depending on the specific condition, its severity, and the child's overall health, non-surgical treatments can include: Medications Lifestyle modifications Catheter-based interventions Implantable devices Electrophysiology procedures Medical monitoring
Can all congenital heart defects be treated in children?
Yes, most congenital heart defects can be treated effectively in children. However, the treatment plan depends on the type and severity of the defect. Some defects may require surgical correction, while others can be managed with less invasive procedures or medical interventions.
However, not all congenital heart defects can be cured entirely. Advances in medical technology and surgical techniques have greatly improved the outcomes for children with such congenital heart defects.
What are the common heart conditions in children?
The most common heart conditions in children include: Congenital heart defects Cardiac arrhythmias Acquired heart diseases
What is early heart disease called?
Coronary artery disease, also called CAD, is a condition that affects your heart. It is the most common heart disease in the United States. CAD happens when coronary arteries struggle to supply the heart with enough blood, oxygen and nutrients. Cholesterol deposits, or plaques, are almost always to blame.
What is the most common heart disease in children?
The most common type of heart defect is a ventricular septal defect (VSD).
Why should I come to Aster MIMS hospital for Paediatric treatment?
Aster MIMS Hospital has a wide range of paediatric services and treatments that are available under one roof. We believe that children deserve to be treated with understanding and care and to receive the highest quality health care. Aster Mims is specifically designed to take care of the whole child through a family-centred approach to medicine.
Are vaccines safe?
Vaccines are extremely safe and serious side effects are rare. Almost all sickness or discomfort after vaccination is minor and temporary, such as soreness at the injection site or mild fever.
Why is immunization important for a child's health?
Immunization is a simple and effective way of protecting children from serious diseases. Vaccines work by triggering the immune system to fight against certain diseases. If a vaccinated person comes in contact with these diseases, their immune system is able to respond more effectively, preventing the disease.
How often should my child see the paediatrician?
Your child should not only see the paediatrician for an illness. It is also important to schedule well-child-care exams regularly, beginning in infancy. Also called well-care visits or check-ups, these routine examinations provide the best opportunity for the doctor to observe the progress of your child's physical and mental growth and development; to counsel and teach parents; to detect problems through screening tests; to provide immunizations, and to get to know one another.