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Medical Genetics & Personalized Medicine

Aster Neukids Genomics team aims to provide the state of the art care in Genetic diagnosis both pre-natal and post-natal life, Genetic counseling and personalized care to individuals with Genetic disorders. Genetic disorders can manifest at any time from intrauterine life to adult life. Most of them present during pediatric age group. We have a multidisciplinary team which include a Paediatric neurologist, Developmental pediatrician & Therapist, Fetal medicine specialist, Radiologist, Ophthalmologist, Otolaryngologist who can contribute immensely for the Genetic diagnosis and precision care of genetic disorders. We have well-trained Genetic counselors as well, who can help and guide needy people in decision-making at various levels of genetic care.

We also have Fetal Medicine specialists for antenatal diagnostic procedures like fetal anomaly detection, Chorionic villi sampling, and Amniocentesis. High-risk pregnancy care and neonatal care for multiple malformations is also available under one roof.

Apart from this, we are affiliated with state-of-the-art Biochemical, Cytogenetic and Molecular laboratories which can provide highly sophisticated and advanced diagnostic facilities in par with western countries.

Predictive and personalized medicine is emerging care today. With the help of genomic studies, we can predict and prevent life-threatening or specific genetic disorders, thereby guiding the precise therapeutic approach to the individual to minimize the adversities and maximize the therapeutic benefits. Genomic Medicine is going to be Futuristic Medicine in near future, wherein every disorder is traced to a genetic basis and each disease is approached separately based on individual’s genetic aberration. Customized and tailored therapy is already in practice in Cancer Therapeutics.

We, the Aster Genomics Team strive to give final answers to Genetic Disorders with highest precision so as to end the diagnostic challenge and guide the people to take informed decision in the care of their loved ones and also prevent the recurrences in the family with similar Genetic disorders. This will reduce the anxiety as well as economic burden of the individual families.


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