Mechanical thrombectomy in acute stroke If the patient presents to the hospital within 6 hours of the onset of stroke ( with symptoms like hemiplegia, deviation of face, slurring of speech, difficulty in walking, giddiness etc) then these patients are immediately taken for MRI scanning. If there is a block of blood vessels in the brain due to blood clot then they are taken for an endovascular treatment called as mechanical thrombectomy wherein the blood clot in the brain is removed either by suction or by stentriever so the blocked blood vessel is opened and blood flow to the brain is established. The reversal of hemiplegia and other symptoms of stroke-like slurring of speech depends on the time of onset of the procedure and the success of the procedure. So it is very important if the patient comes to a hospital within a window period of 6 hours after onset of stroke the chances of a reversal of stroke symptoms increases and a patient can lead a near-normal life without debility.
Mechanical thrombectomy in acute stroke