Aster Prime Hospital does not offer any sort of employment in exchange for payment of money for any purpose whatsoever. If you receive any similar kind of offer from anyone representing Aster Prime Hospital, please send an email with the intimation and related documents to [email protected].
Nutrition Clinic

Our team of nutrition experts will devise an individual medical nutrition therapy to help you achieve a specific health related goal. We also offer you a long-term nutrition support through our packages and necessary follow-up to work through changes in your diet:

We assess our clients' health and nutritional requirement
Design therapeutic meal plans, taking both cost, cultural beliefs and clients’ preferences will be considered
Evaluate the effects of meal plans and modify it accordingly during your follow up visits and believe that we can help you achieve your health goal through regular follow ups and hence designed packages to ensure best results
We promote and practice the latest evidence based nutritional science research by delivering health talks to groups about diet, nutrition, and preventing or managing specific diseases.
We plan and create health menu/therapeutic meal plan for our in-patient hospital kitchen /schools/corporate clients/events/family menu design
Our Dietetics team conducts regular audits for industrial kitchen and involved in quality improvement activities of dietary services

Health Condition


One Aster

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