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Paediatric Surgery & Urology

The super specialty of Aster Paediatric Surgery & Urology offers comprehensive care to kids with surgical issues, from infants through teenagers. The need for this speciality results from the fact that, in contrast to adults, children require specific care during illness due to their growth and development as well as the disruption of their routine.

Available Hospitals

We provide excellent care, right from diagnosis to the treatment and beyond at our world-class hospitals.

Our Doctors

We have some of the best specialists from around the world, they bring years of experience and offer evidence-based treatment to ensure the best care for you.

Our Doctors

We have some of the best specialists from around the world, they bring years of experience and offer evidence-based treatment to ensure the best care for you.


Want to find out more about the treatment? The answer to your questions can be found below.

When should I consider consulting a pediatric surgeon or urologist?

You should consider consulting a pediatric surgeon or urologist if your child has a surgical condition or urological issue that requires evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment. This can include conditions such as undescended testes, hypospadias, urinary tract infections, kidney problems, and hernias, among others.

What types of anesthesia are used in pediatric surgery?

Pediatric surgeries often use general anesthesia, which renders the child unconscious and ensures pain-free surgery. In some cases, local or regional anesthesia may be used for certain procedures or in specific areas of the body.

How can I prepare my child for pediatric surgery?

Preparing your child for pediatric surgery involves explaining the procedure in an age-appropriate manner, addressing their concerns or fears, and providing reassurance. It is important to follow the preoperative instructions provided by the surgical team, including fasting requirements, medication guidelines, and any necessary tests or evaluations before the surgery. 

Are pediatric surgeries safe?

Pediatric surgeries are generally safe, but like any surgery, there are risks involved. Pediatric surgeons and urologists are specially trained to perform procedures on children and take precautions to minimize risks. They work closely with an experienced surgical team and utilize advanced techniques to ensure the best possible outcomes.


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