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Robotic prostatectomy

Robotic prostatectomy is a surgical procedure performed to remove the prostate gland in cases of prostate cancer. It is a minimally invasive technique that utilizes robotic-assisted technology to assist the surgeon during the operation.

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At Aster Hospitals we provide the highest quality of care and a transformative experience for all your healthcare needs. With our network of multi-speciality hospitals, specialised doctors, and world-class technology, we bring global standards of medical care to our patients.

What are the benefits of Robotic Radical Prostatectom

Some benefits include smaller incisions, reduced blood loss, shorter hospital stays, quicker recovery times, and potentially less pain compared to traditional open surgery. Additionally, the precision of the robotic system may lead to better nerve preservation and urinary control outcomes.

Will I experience erectile dysfunction after the procedure?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) can be a potential side effect of the surgery, as the nerves responsible for erections may be affected. However, nerve-sparing techniques used in robotic surgery aim to minimize this risk. It's essential to have a discussion with your surgeon about potential outcomes.

Am I a candidate for Robotic Radical Prostatectomy?

Your eligibility for the procedure depends on various factors, such as the stage of your prostate cancer, your overall health, and the expertise of your surgical team. Your doctor will determine if you are a suitable candidate.

Will I experience urinary incontinence after the surgery?

Urinary incontinence can also be a concern after the procedure, but techniques used during surgery aim to preserve urinary continence. Many patients regain bladder control over time, but it's important to follow your doctor's recommendations for pelvic floor exercises and other post-operative care.

Remember, these FAQs are meant to provide general information, and it's important to consult with your healthcare provider and surgical team for personalized guidance regarding Robotic Radical Prostatectomy and your specific medical condition.


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