Dr. Vimal Koshy Thomas
Consultant - Emergency Medicine
Dr. Vimal Koshy Thomas is a board certified physician with MD, DNB in Emergency medicine with vast experience, working in Emergency department both private and government sectors across the state. He is capable of managing the Emergency Department under various challenging circumstances. He is also an instructor in BLS, ACLS , PALS , ATLS and point of care ultrasound. His areas of interest include polytrauma, difficult airway, cardiovascular emergencies, pain managment in the ED & peadiatric emergencies. Skilled in performing life saving procedures like endotracheal intubation, central lines , arterial lines , tube thoracostomy, surgical airway.
He is proficient in performing ultrasound guided procedures like pleural aspiration, ascitic tapping , femoral, sciatic and other nerve blocks in the ED. He is also a national faculty for MD and DNB academic programs. He has done national and international paper presentations at venues like Dubai and Colombo. He has published six articles in indexed journals.
- Thomas VK, Paul C, Rajeev PC, Palatty BU. Reliability of ultrasonography in confirming endotracheal tube placement in an emergency setting. Indian journal of critical care medicine: peer-reviewed, official publication of Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine. 2017 May;21(5):257.
- Thomas VK, Abraham SV, Balakrishnan JM, Krishnan SV, Amalakat A, Palatty BU. Point-of-care ultrasound training in Indian emergency medicine programs: A resident's perspective. International Journal of Academic Medicine. 2017 May 1;3(2):263.
https://www.ijam-web.org/article.asp?issn=2455 5568;year=2017;volume=3;issue=2;spage=263;epage=267;aulast=Thomas
- Kunhahamed MO, Thomas VK, Abraham SV, Palatty BU, Kallivalappil SC. Survival following intentional succinylcholine injection for self-harm. Turkish journal of emergency medicine. 2020 Oct;20(4):193.
- Thomas V, Abraham S. Adding an" R" in the" DOPE" Mnemonic for ventilator troubleshooting. Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine. 2018 May 1;22(5).
- Abraham SV, Chandran VK, Kassyap CK, Krishnan VS, Shajan A, Ajay A, Thomas VK, Latheef LA, Chandramohan R. Cleistanthus collinus poisoning and role of prophylactic potassium supplementation: a retrospective case series. InCLINICAL TOXICOLOGY 2015 Aug 1 (Vol. 53, No. 7, pp. 745-745). 4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OX14 4RN, OXON, ENGLAND: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD.
- Thomas, V. K., Abraham, S. V., & Palatty, B. (2016). Deliberate Ingestion of Potassium Salt of Fatty Acids an Organic Pesticide Leading to Airway Compromise-A Case Report. Toxicology International, 23(2), 202–204. Retrieved from https://indianjournalsonline.com/index.php/toxi/article/view/20363