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How can you prevent blood pressure?
Lead an active lifestyle, Exercise regularly, Keep yourself at a healthy weight and avoid drinking alcohol and smoking.
What is high blood pressure?
High blood pressure is a common condition that affects the body's arteries. It is also called hypertension. Normal pressure is 120/80 or lower.
How bad is alcohol for the heart?
Excessive alcohol intake can lead to high blood pressure, heart failure or stroke. Excessive drinking can also contribute to a disorder that affects the heart muscle.
Alcohol can contribute to obesity and the long list of health problems that can go along with it.
What is Angioplasty?
Procedure to improve blood flow in blood vessels that have become narrow or blocked.
What are the common causes of heart disease?
High-risk factors are: Smoking Having high blood pressure Physical Inactivity High cholesterol High levels of lipoprotein Diabetes Excessive use of alcohol or caffeine Heart problem present at birth.
What are the symptoms of a heart attack?
Chest pain : This symptom can be mild and feel like discomfort or heaviness Pain on left arm and shoulder, neck, jaw, back or down toward your waist Shortness of breath or trouble breathing Nausea or stomach discomfort Anxiety Sweating Feeling lightheaded, dizzy, or passing out.
What is heart attack?
A heart attack occurs when a blood clot blocks blood flow to the heart. It is also called Myocardial Infarction (MI) and is a medical emergency treated without delay.
How to find a match and compatibility with a Kidney Transplant donor?
There are three main blood tests that will determine if a patient and a potential donor are a kidney match. They are blood typing, tissue typing and cross-matching.
What is Kidney Transplant?
Some people with kidney failure may be able to have a kidney transplant. During transplant surgery, a healthy kidney from a donor is placed into your body. The new, donated kidney does the work that your two kidneys used to do.
What is Dialysis?
Dialysis is a treatment for people whose kidneys are failing. Dialysis does the work of your kidneys, removing waste products and excess fluid from the blood.