What documents should I carry on my first visit to a urologist?
When you first visit a urologist, make sure you carry your medical history documents, including previous prescriptions from doctors you visited. You should also carry previous diagnostic test reports to help urologists know your underlying problems. Lastly, if you have any referral letters from other doctors, make sure you carry them to your first visit.
What question should you ask a urologist?
When you are visiting your urologist, make sure you ask them about the cause of your underlying condition. You should also ask them about the treatment options they recommend and the side effects of these treatments. Lastly, ask your urologist about the recovery process, how long it can take, and measures you should take to recover safely.
How should I prepare for my first visit to a urologist?
To prepare for the first visit to a urologist in Whitefield at Aster, make sure you arrive on time and wear loose clothing. Make sure you carry all the relevant medical documents and have a prepared list of your symptoms and their effect on your life and health.
When should I consider seeing a urologist?
Consider visiting a urologist in Whitefield at Aster Whitefield if you are experiencing symptoms like loss of bladder control, urinary incontinence, back or flank pain, pain while urinating, blood in your urine or semen, and loss of libido. These symptoms warrant a urological checkup to determine the underlying cause.
What are the most common types of conditions that urologists treat?
Common conditions treated by urologists in Whitefield at Aster Whitefield include kidney stones, prostate problems, urinary tract infections, blood in your urine, ureteric and urethral strictures. Apart from that, male reproductive problems like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, retrograde ejaculation, and loss of libido are also treated by urologists.
What does a urologist do?
A urologist at Aster Whitefield is trained to monitor, diagnose, and treat urological conditions in both men and women. Additionally, they also help manage sexual health problems faced by men. Urologists offer therapeutic treatments like lifestyle changes and can even recommend surgeries if required based on the underlying health condition.
How do I prepare for the EMU Admission
To prepare for an EMU Admission:
• Wash your hair the night before or the day of the test, but do not apply any conditioners, hair creams, sprays or styling gels to your hairs. Hair products use should be avoided as it can make tougher for the sticky patches that are used to hold the electrodes to adhere to your scalp. If you have weaves or braids, need to be removed before a test is completed.
• Wear loose-fitting clothes
• Follow your physician’s instructions regarding your medication.
• Arrive at the hospital on scheduled time, delays can occur if you are late.
• You may bring electronics like a laptop to use during your stay.
• Visitors are allowed during your EMU admission. A family member or loved one who is familiar with the seizure is asked to stay along with the patient at the hospital.
What are EEG and video EEG and their necessity?
Video EEG is nothing but a simultaneous recording of EEG along with a video camera focused on you all the time. You will be admitted, and EEG leads will be connected to you. You will be under the camera for 24 hours while your EEG on. When you have a seizure, it will record the exact movements you do during your seizure activity and simultaneous EEG recordings. This will provide us with the exact idea of the area of your brain accountable for producing these seizures. Generally, 3-10 episodes of seizure will be recorded and so patients usually stay for 5-7 days in the hospital. We generally stop your drugs so that more seizures can be obtained in a short time. It is secure as you are having seizures in a controlled environment of the hospital, supported with doctors and nurses all the time.
What is an Epilepsy Monitoring Unit (EMU?)
It is a specialized unit in the hospital for constant monitoring of brain activity using EEG and Video, where a patient is admitted for 3-5 days. This provides your doctor with a better understanding of your seizures by seeing how your brain functions and what you are physically doing during the event.
Why should patients with intractable seizures undergo epilepsy surgery?
If your seizures are managed with one or two drugs, then surgery is not needed. However, when you have to take more than two medications and you continue to have seizures, surgery is a rational choice due to the problems associated with recurrent seizures such as:
• Poor quality of life
• Injuries
• Social ostracism
• Marital issues
• Care-giver burden
• Adverse effects of medication
• Sudden unexpected death
Even financially, if you are on two medications, your monthly maintenance comes to around 5000/ month i.e., Rs.60,000 annually. The average cost of epilepsy surgery with all investigations, hospitalization is close to 2.5-3 lakhs.