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What are symptoms of asthma?
Asthma can present with episodic cough, wheeze, and chest tightness. It can be associated with nasal allergy symptoms such as running nose, sneezing episodes.
I have Asthma. Do I need to use tablets or inhalers?
Depending on severity and level of control of Asthma, various medications will be prescribed including tablets, inhalers and nebulizations.
Are inhalers addictive?
No. Inhalers are safe to use in children and adults with Asthma. They control Asthma and prevent serious Asthma attacks so that they can lead a normal healthy life.
What are the factors that cause Asthma?
The factors that cause Asthma are Genetic, environmental factors and triggers like smoke, pollen, air pollution, respiratory infections and dust etc. Intrinsic factors like emotional outburst and anxiety
Can Asthma be life threatening?
Yes. Especially if asthma is not well controlled, it can be life threatening. Patients with certain types of asthma may develop severe symptoms in a short duration of time. We need to be extra cautious with such patients.
What does Asthma feel like?
You will experience coughing, tightening in chest, whistling sound in the chest etc when exposed to dust. Consult the Best Pulmonologist in Bangalore to know more about Asthma signs and symptoms.
Can people with Asthma do exercise?
Yes. Exercise is a very important part of health for a patient with Bronchial Asthma. Losing weight can be beneficial.
Visit the Top Pulmonology Hospital in Bangalore to avail highest quality medical care.
When should I see a pulmonary specialist?
Chronic cough for more than 2 weeks or frequent episodes of cough for months/years.
Allergy not under control i.e. frequent requirement of syrup or oral medications and little change in the environment causing trouble.
Presence of Blood in the sputum (phlegm).
Unexplained weight loss associated with cough.
Overweight/obese with excessive daytime sleepiness/irritations.
Localized Chest pain increasing with deep breathing.
Difficulty in breathing (Breathlessness) on exertion or on routine activities.
Unexplained fever (fever of unknown origin).
History of smoking.
To rule out occupational lung disease.
A child having respiratory problems, not responding to routine symptomatic treatment.
Screening at-risk individuals (employee working in industries).
Contact history with tuberculosis patient in the household (contact) to rule outspread of the disease.
What are the early signs of lung disease?
Unproportionate breathlessness i.e. difficulty breathing even for routine daily activities.
Cough not responding to homemade therapies/ OTC drugs.
Hoarseness of voice.
Early Morning bringing out more quantity of expectoration/phlegm/sputum.
How does lung cancer feel?
There are no specific symptoms and signs suggestive of lung cancer it may be asymptomatic (no symptoms) to severely decreased lung functions or symptoms (breathlessness/hemoptysis/chest pain/weight loss).