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Vertigo & Balance Clinic 

Aster ENT-Neurotology  is the latest specialty in ENT which deals with the management of vertigo and other complex balance disorders along with treatment of Tinnitus (sound in the ear) and Hearing loss. In Aster Medcity we have well-equipped advanced Neurotology division with Integrated Neurotology practice where multiple departments are linked to OP like - Neurology, Psychiatry, Cardiology, Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, Ophthalmology & Pediatrics hence branded as - 'ASTER BALANCE CLINIC’ that enables ideal management of entire spectrum of Balance disorders.

The three-pronged strategy of Balance Clinic OP, Integrated Neurotology Practice & Protocol based systematic approach following international guidelines is the key to our great success in the field.

What does a balance clinic do?

Uniqueness of Aster Balance Clinic :
•    Introduced Integrated Neurotology Practice 1st in INDIA.
•    24x7 Exclusive Outpatient Clinic for managing whole spectrum of dizziness & other complex balance disorders 1st in KERALA
•    Presently manages the Largest Vertigo & Dizziness patient volume in KERALA.
•    Provides Individualized Rehabilitation Program for various causes of chronic imbalance 1st in SOUTH INDIA.

Peripheral Vestibular Disorders which are diagnosed and managed are :

•    Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
•    Vestibular Migraine
•    Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD)
•    Meniere’s Disease
•    Acute Unilateral Vestibulopathy
•    Bilateral Vestibulopathy
•    Presby Vestibulopathy
•    Vestibular Paroxysmia
•    Superior Semi-circular Canal Dehiscence
•    Neuro Ocular Vestibular Dysfunction (Movement Sensitivity Dizziness)
•    Labyrinthitis
•    Otosclerosis
•    Peri lymphatic fistula
•    MDDS (Mal de Debarquement syndrome)
•    Sudden Sensorineural Hearing loss

Central causes of dizziness which require Neurosciences support are :

•    Posterior Circulation strokes
•    Brainstem & Cerebellar lesions/degeneration
•    Multiple sclerosis
•    Arnold Chiari Malformations
•    Alzheimer’s
•    Parkinsonism
•    Wernicke’s Encephalopathy

Causes of dizziness which require expert management of Internal Medicine department are :

•    Electrolyte imbalance
•    Poly pharmacy
•    Hypoglycaemia
•    Dysautonomia
•    Anaemia

Causes of Dizziness which require expert management of Cardiology Department are :

•    Orthostatic Hypotension/intolerance
•    Cardiac arrhythmias

Causes of dizziness which require expert opinion and management from Psychiatry are :

•    PPPD
•    Panic disorder
•    Psychogenic dizziness
•    Insomnia
•    MDDS


Highly equipped Vestibulometry LAB with trained Vestibular technicians offering.

  • Vestibular evoked myogenic potential- To determine if the saccule and the vestibular nerve are intact and functioning properly.
  • Video Nystagmography - A test that measures a type of involuntary eye movement called nystagmus.
  • Subjective Visual Vertical - To assesses the ability to perceive verticality which depends on visual, vestibular and somatosensory inputs.
  • Special Oculomotor Tests- A tool designed by the experts at UPMC to detect signs and symptoms of a concussion
  • Optokinetic stimulus evaluation- It involves the observation of moving visual targets to encourage visual scanning of the neglected hemispace.
  • Video Head Impulse Test - A testing which able to identify the overt and covert saccades and study the gain of vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) of each semicircular canal.
  • Dynamic Visual Acuity Test - It provides an instrumented, objective, behavioral assessment of vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) function in response to rotational or functional head movement stimuli.
  • Gaze Evoked Nystagmus evaluation- It refers to the nystagmus that develops when patients take eccentric eye positions.

Why Aster?

Why Aster?

Aster Balance Clinic (ABC)’ is the brand name for Aster Neurotology & is a dedicated center for comprehensive testing and treatment for all complex balance disorders, hearing loss & tinnitus (sound in the ear).

Aster provides the first exclusive ENT - Neurotology OP in Kerala, and the clinic offers routine OP on all weekdays. The Aster Vertigo & Balance Clinic provides a wide range of highly specialized Neurotology services for the comprehensive management of vertigo and balance disorders in patients of all ages.


At Aster Hospitals we provide the highest quality of care and a transformative experience for all your healthcare needs. With our network of multi-speciality hospitals, specialised doctors, and world-class technology, we bring global standards of medical care to our patients.

What are the major dizziness symptoms?

A patient complaining of dizziness can be referring to any of the following symptoms.

  • Vertigo – A condition in which the person feels like they or the environment around them is moving or spinning. A vertigo episode may range from a few seconds to minutes or for hours or days.
  • Disequilibrium or Unsteadiness – A symptom in which patient feels off balance during head movements or swaying tendency during active body movements.
  • Presyncope – A near fainting episode with black-outs or light headedness
  • Syncope – A fainting episode with transient loss of consciousness and with a spontaneous recovery.
  • Drop attacks – A sudden dizziness resulting in fall but without loss of consciousness.

What are the major causes of dizziness?

Causes for dizziness could be due to following causes:

  • Peripheral: BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo), Labyrinthitis, Meniere’s disease, Acute Vestibulopathy, Vestibular Paroxysmia, Presbyvestibulopathy.
  • Central: Vestibular Migraine, Posterior circulation strokes, Degenerative diseases of brainstem & cerebellum, Multiple Sclerosis. Medical: Orthostatic intolerance or hypotension, Hypoglycemia, Electrolyte imbalance.
  • Functional: PPPD (Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness), MDDS (Mal de Debarquement Syndrome).

How are balance disorders diagnosed?

An expert doctor who is trained in Neurotology will have a thorough session with the patient suffering from dizziness for obtaining history of illness, detailed subjective clinical examination followed by objective examination with the help of instruments like Videonystagmogram, Audiometric assessment and if needed Imaging like MRI or CT. Cross consultation with other specialties might also require for reaching proper diagnosis at times. This strategy helps in diagnosing entire spectrum of complex balance disorders with ease and without error.

What is the treatment for balance disorders?

The treatment for each dizziness case differs according to diagnosis. This may range from Physical therapy, Medical therapy and rarely Surgery. The treatment strategy will be decided based on the diagnostic criteria and guidelines formulated by CCBS (Classification committee for Barany Society).

Advanced Technology & Facilities


We combine our expertise in the areas of patient-care, clinical research and academics in order to provide the highest level of specialised services to our patients.

•    CRM (Canalith Repositioning Manoeuvres) for Posterior Canal, Horizontal Canal & Anterior Canal BPPV.

•    Liberatory Positioning Manoeuvres in case of Cupulolithiasis variety of BPPV.

•    VNG guided CRM in Complex BPPV.

•    Medical treatment for Vestibular Migraine, PPPD, Meniere’s disease, Vestibulopathy, Vestibular Paroxysmia & Labyrinthitis.

•    Medical treatment for Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss.

•    Medical treatment for Tinnitus.

•    Intra Tympanic injections for Sudden Sensori Neural Hearing Loss, Meniere’s disease.

•    Surgical treatment for Superior Canal Dehiscence, Otosclerosis & Peri lymphatic Fistula.

•    Surgical Treatment for Pulsatile tinnitus in Sigmoid Sinus Dehiscence / Diverticulum.

•    Individualised Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (Balance regaining Exercises) for PPPD, U/L, B/L & Presby Vestibulopathy, Neuro Ocular Vestibular Dysfunction (Movement Sensitivity Dizziness) and decompensated BPPV & Vestibular Migraine impending PPPD


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