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Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

What is ADHD?

ADHD is a condition that affects the behaviour of people, it’s a chronic condition that affects mostly children and often continues into adulthood. The main problems faced by ADHD people are difficulty in sustaining attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behaviour.

Common Symptoms:


  • Difficulty concentrating and focusing.
  • Forget and lose things easily.


  • Unable to sit, she still always wants to do something.
  • Excessive talking and physical movements.


  • Cannot wait for their turns.
  • Act without thinking.
  • Interrupt conversations.

Symptoms of ADHD in Children:

In the case of children, symptoms of ADHD can be identified as behavioural issues, difficulties in studies, etc. Some of the common symptoms in children are:

  • Short attention span and distracted easily.
  • Usually very forgetful and lose things easily.
  • They can’t sit still, always want to do something.
  • I like to talk always and will be physically active.

Symptoms of ADHD in Adults:

For adults, ADHD affects their productivity, unlike children. Some of the symptoms shown by adults are:

  • Cannot keep up with timelines.
  • Will become very lazy over time.
  • Get addicted to alcohol / other substances easily
  • Do things without thinking about their consequences.
  •   They easily get irritated and have anger issues.
  • Anxiety, Mood swings, & Depression.

Treatment Methods

Treatments for ADHD in Children:

  • Medications: Stimulant Medicines are the first line of treatment for ADHD.
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: Type of therapy that helps to manage problems by looking to change the way we think and behave.
  • Training And Education: Proper training and education to children as well as parents as per doctor’s recommendations.

Treatments for ADHD in Adults:

  • Medications: Stimulants are the most commonly used medications to treat ADHD.
  • Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy: This can help an adult with ADHD become more aware of attention and concentration challenges
  • Relaxation training and stress management: Formulate strategies for better organisation of activities.

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